Beyond Bricks and Mortar: Aboriginal housing, homelessness, space and identity in Canada

We are organizing a Trudeau Scholars’ Workshop on Aboriginal housing, homelessness, space and identity in Edmonton this November.  If you want to register, send me an e-mail at The event is entirely free, and we are aiming to bring together people from the community, from academia, from industry, and from government. Please feel free… Read More


This is brilliantly written: “Similarly, to return to the issue of settlerhood, the recognition of oneself as a settler, while notable, does little to dismantle colonization. We can’t simply shake off or ‘check’ our privilege at the door. And it’s not simply about being mindful of a knapsack we’re carrying. In fact, declarations of privilege… Read More

a meditation on space (and spirit)

Back home. There is that wonderful familiarity in everything — the way the sun pours through the bedroom windows. The smell of fresh coffee brewing in the kitchen. Faces of people I recognize from school and work and concerts and parties as I walk down the street. The dog, so happy to see me, sleeping… Read More