Tending tenderness and disrupting the myth of academic rock stars

In euro-american academia, the arts, media, politics, and literature we are enthralled, obsessed with two things: ‘innovation’ and individuality. The triumph of individual will to manifest something new new new trumps everything else. Granting agencies often focus on a single Principle Investigator to the exclusion of whole teams of human and more-than-human beings who make… Read More

I tried to write something this evening, and as I laboured over the 613 words that I eked out about building academic community, I decided to abandon ship and start over. I want to sit with the sound of paddles dipping into cool lake water forever. I want to glide at the water’s surface and… Read More


My sweet and gentle grandmother died two months ago. I got the call from my mom on the morning of April 7, just before I was about to meet some friends for lunch. I had a dream early on in the morning of the 7th, a dream that had strongly informed me she had passed.… Read More

Encyclopedia of exhaustion: the D-DIC

Welcome to this encyclopedia of exhaustion! It is a new series wherein we will cover clusters of behaviour and ideology in anti-colonial/decolonial spaces which exhaust communities striving to dismantle structural violence. Our inaugural post is on that especially fun complex: the D-DIC! What is the D-DIC? It’s a shorthand for the Decolonial Dudebro Industrial Complex.… Read More

allow yourself

What I wish (for you) is to disentangle their hooks from my flesh. Finally let go, let it fall, let it soar. You are not their past. You were and are a jumble of bones and stories moving through time and space, and as you walk down the cobblestone streets, I want you to pause,… Read More