National Social Security Rights Network (NSSRN)

is the peak community organisation in the area of social security law, policy and administration. Our aim is to reduce poverty, hardship and inequality in Australia by advocating for a social security system which is fair, adequate and well administered.

For your rights and a better social security system

Do you have questions or difficulties with the social security system?
Click on your state to find your local Member Centre.

Our members are community legal centres and organisations whose role is to provide disadvantaged people with free and independent information, advice, education and representation in the areas of  social security and family assistance. Our members operate in all states and territories of Australia.

The NSSRN develops policy about social security and family assistance based on the casework experience of our members. We provide expert feedback to Government on new and proposed changes to welfare law and policy. We work to raise awareness of social security issues to inform the work of other organisations in advancing public welfare.

Our Legal Services

National Social Security Rights Network Member Centres provide help to people who may have questions or difficulties with the social security system.

Find Information

Our Member Centres provide free information, legal advice, community education and casework assistance regarding social security and family assistance problems.

Our Policy Views

NSSRN member organisations, individual Welfare Rights centres and services throughout Australia, aim to reduce poverty, hardship and inequality in Australia.