About UNDP in Tajikistan

After the turbulence of 5 years of civil war following the collapse of the Soviet Union in 1991, Tajikistan is now a peaceful and rapidly developing country. However, it is still simultaneously facing challenges of transition, of a post-conflict state and of “ordinary” poverty reduction.

UNDP's Country Office in Tajikistan opened in 1994 and since then UNDP plays a crucial role in supporting the country’s reform efforts and the development of a national strategy for poverty alleviation. The organization is guided in its work by the Country Programme Action Plan (CPAP), signed jointly with the Government of Tajikistan, which in turn builds upon the MDGs. As one of only a handful of countries, the government of Tajikistan has – with UNDP’s assistance – developed a National Development Strategy, outlining the policies and investments necessary to reach the MDGs on time by 2015.

The priorities of UNDP and Tajikistan are addressed through a number of projects implemented in partnership with national counterparts, key donors, UN agencies and other international organizations, with a particular emphasis on sustainable development. Our main location is in Dushanbe, with Area offices in five of Tajikistan’s regions: Shaartuz, Kulyab, Ayni, Gharm and Khujand.

UNDP Tajikistan works mainly in the following areas: Poverty Reduction and the Achievement of the MDGs, Democratic (Good) GovernanceCrisis Prevention and Recovery, Environment and Sustainable Development and Reducing the Burden of HIV/AIDS, Malaria and Tuberculosis.

What do we want to accomplish?

The ultimate goal of UNDP is to improve the lives of the people of Tajikistan, especially the poorest and most vulnerable, and to ensure a future that offers equality, dignity and opportunity for all. 

Together with the Government of Tajikistan, civil society and the people of Tajikistan UNDP works towards identifying local solutions to global and national development challenges. Our main focus is on reducing poverty and meeting the Millennium Development Goals, enhance accountability of the current governance system, mitigate the threats of natural disasters, contribute towards environmental sustainability and reduce the burden of diseases like HIV/AIDS, Malaria and Tuberculosis.

What are our results?

Poverty Reduction:

UNDP has provided critical advisory support to the Government over the years, feeding into a detailed policy dialogue as part of the overarching process of development planning. Due to these efforts, the new methodology on the localization of MDGs and national long term (NDS) and short-term (PRS) strategies on district and Jamoat (sub-district) level for territorial development were adopted and introduced into the national legislation. Already 32 districts (out of 67) have adopted their District Development Plans (DDP) according to the new methodology. Furthermore, UNDP was able to integrate poverty-environment linkages into the planning process.

Fight against diseases like HIV/AIDS, TB and Malaria:
Due to the effective implementation of an HIV comprehensive prevention programme in the country, the HIV epidemic is kept in a concentrated stage as per the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Tajikistan (based on results of 2011 BSS). At least 90% of all HIV-positive people eligible and consent to treatment receive free ARV therapy according to WHO criteria.

By 2012 tuberculosis mortality rate in Tajikistan has reduced to 5.9 cases per 100,000 population and all TB patients registered in the country (7,000-8,000 cases) are covered by treatment with 1st line TB drugs.

The malaria project has succeeded to reduce the malaria infection rate by five times in the period of 2010-2012. Due to project support, the National Malaria control program eradicated the P.falciparum form of malaria in the country as of 2009.

Democratic Governance:
The Democratic Governance Cluster mainly focuses on institutional strengthening and capacity building of national and local governance institutions. Capacity building initiatives at the national and local levels helped to enhance the skills of 8,791 senior and middle level managers of about 14 national government agencies and of 19 districts and 65 Jamoats including CSOs and private sector representatives on strategic and business development planning, performance management, risk management and evaluation.

Also, the Government of Tajikistan mainstreamed the Human Development Concept into its development strategy ensuring sufficient national capacity and contributing to formulation of policies consistent with Human Development principles. National aid coordination management and monitoring progressed introducing on-line Aid Information Management System that became operational and accessible to most of the beneficiaries ensuring transparency of aid flows.

Furthermore, border management capacity and trans-border cooperation between Tajikistan, Kyrgyzstan and Uzbekistan and in the Northern Provinces of Afghanistan were reinforced, through physical infrastructure development, and professional skills improvement of 169 staff.

Environment and Energy:
In the energy and environment programme portfolio, UNDP has been concentrating on policy advice and research to support the evidence based reform in the water sector, as well as provided support to the development of the Law on Pastures, as part of the land reform. In 2012, UNDP’s facilitation and brokering role has been instrumental to support the preparatory activities for the United Nations Conference on Sustainable Development (Rio+20 Conference). UNDP also provided technical expertise in the development of the Rapid Assessment and Gap Analysis for the Energy Sector as part of interventions within the framework of UN SG’s Initiative “Sustainable Energy for All”.

Crisis Prevention and Recovery:
Through its Disaster Risk Management Programme, to date, UNDP has been instrumental in advocating and lobbying for unified, streamlined, multi-sector and inclusive disaster risk reduction mechanisms and approaches in the country. In 2012 the most prominent achievements in this area, has been the establishment of the National Platform for DRR by the Government of Tajikistan.  The establishment of the National Platform is a major step towards shifting the disaster management focus to reduction of risks, i.e. fighting the causes of disasters, rather than facing their consequences, with an ultimate goal to have Disaster Risk Reduction (DRR) integrated in development planning.

The coordination of mine action was successfully continued by TMAC (Tajikistan Mine Action Center. In 2012, 2,1 sq. km of land contaminated with land mines was cleared constituting 140% out of target set (1,5 sq. km). UNDP’s interventions on mine risk education have shown significant impact manifested by reduction of mine accidents by two times, as compared with 2004-2008. The victim assistance pillar of mine action is now being transformed into a full fledge disabilities programme, being the first of its kind in the Tajikistan development context.

Who are the decision makers?

The Resident Coordinator heads the UN system in Tajikistan and at the same time he is the Resident Representative of UNDP in Tajikistan. The UNDP’s Country Director is responsible for the day-to-day work of UNDP Tajikistan, assisted by the Deputy Country Director.

UNDP Tajikistan works in close partnership with the Government of Tajikistan. Each year, the Government of Tajikistan and UNDP sign an Annual Work Plan, specifying the planned activities for the year, project by project.

How many are we?

Current Staff Count for Tajikistan

Contract TypeSub Total
Service Contract 181
UN Volunteers 3
UNDP Staff 42
Total 226


Our Consultants

Consultancy in UNDP Projects Amount of contract (USD)/contract duration
Consultant – Disaster Risk Management Programme


Consultant – Disaster Risk Management Programme


Consultant – GEF


Consultant – Energy and Environment


Consultant – Governance


Consultant – TMAC


Consultant – PEI


Consultant – TMAC


Consultant – TMAC


Consultant – GFATM


Consultant – Transport


Consultant – Communities Programme
