Fiji drops gay sex charge against Aussie man
Saturday August 27th 2005, 9:33 am


Free at last

Thomas McCosker 

 image: The Age

You might never have heard of Thomas McCosker unless you read blogs. McCosker was arrested in Fiji in March 2005 on sodomy charges for having consensual sex with Fijian Dhendra Nadan, despite clear language in the Fijian constitution which prohibits discrimination on the basis of sexual orientation.

Gay activist Rodney Croome reports that a Fijian court has freed McCosker despite fears he might be re-arrested on pornography charges. McCosker’s digital camera contained bedroom photos when he went to police to report that Nadan had stolen $A1500 from him, only to have police arrest him and charge him under sodomy laws invalidated by the 1998 Fijian constitution.

ABC radio reports that McCosker is now on a plane for Australia and should be home in a matter of hours.


3 Comments so far
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Hey, that’s great news. It’s a pity that wrongfully-imprisoned gays aren’t as newsworthy as poor Aussie models caught red-handed.

Comment by Flashman 08.27.05 @ 12:15 pm

Funny that, Flash.

Comment by weezil 08.27.05 @ 12:20 pm

He might be happy that his experience has faded from the news. The local boy who rolled him for the $1500 was not mentioned in earlier reports of the incident. a pox on the little shit.
Fiji and Indonesia/Bali are off the destinations list.

Comment by Brownie 08.29.05 @ 11:35 pm

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