
It started out slow.
How could you possibly have known what was in store?

You thought you knew him.
You thought he was your friend.

From time to time, when you were lonely,
you'd spend some time with him.

Just friends...

Until that day
you couldn't see how much he wanted you.

The comments, the suggestions...You always said, "No".

That didn't matter to him.

Nothing you wanted to do could quench his desire.
Animal passion, he thought, would light your fire.

What you didn't expect
is that he'd have no respect

when you said, "No".
He didn't care.

"No!", a little louder
talking to the air.

"NO! NO! NO!", screaming as he held you down.

"NO! NO! NO!", no help to be found.

"NO!", as he forced you to feel his power.

No! This can't be happening! It's your darkest hour.

Now, what are we going to do?
This horrible thing
has not changed my feelings for you.

I just lied. My love is deeper than before,
but if you won't let me in...
What more?

When she says, "NO!", she MEANS NO!

Date rape is not a joke. It is, in fact, a crime. It is a crime, not only as defined in any penal code, but also a crime against nature and humanity!

The rapist's self-centered lack of respect for self and others, when combined with uncontrollable desire and the inability to distinguish right from wrong causes indescribable and lasting damage, not only to the survivor, but to those close to her.

This powerful poem, written by the lover of a date rape survivor, is dedicated to all survivors and their loved ones. Unfortunately and fortunately, you are not alone.

For excellent information and help for survivors follow these links to:

"Friends" Raping Friends--Could It Happen to You?
The Survivor's Page
Sexual Assault Information
Sexual Assualt Links
More Sexual Assault Links
Abuse Links

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