
Classic Seafood Recipes & Fish Recipes

SEAFOOD SAUCES: from Anchovy Catchup to White Sauce


(Boston Cooking-School Cook Book, 1896)

    1/2 teaspoon mustard.
    1 teaspoon powdered sugar.
    1/2 teaspoon salt.
    Few grains cayenne.
    Yolks 2 eggs.
    1/2 cup olive oil.
    1 1/2 tablespoons vinegar.
    1/2 tablespoon Capers, finely chopped
    1/2 tablespoon Pickles, finely chopped
    1/2 tablespoon Olives, finely chopped.
    1/2 tablespoon Parsley, finely chopped
    1/2 shallot finely chopped.
    1/4 teaspoon powdered tarragon.

Mix mustard, sugar, salt, and cayenne; add yolks of eggs, and stir until thoroughly mixed, setting howl in pan of ice water. Add oil, at first drop by drop, stirring with a wooden spoon or wire whisk. As mixture thickens, dilute with vinegar, when oil may be added more rapidly. Keep in cool place until ready to serve, then add remaining ingredients.



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