Government protection of Manildra was 'treacherous'

Government protection of Manildra was 'treacherous'

The Federal Government set out to financially "punish" an Australian petroleum company when it changed policy to protect the near monopoly of ethanol producer Manildra, the company's chief claimed yesterday.

Paul Moreton, head of the Neumann Group, yesterday described the Government's actions as "pernicious and treacherous".

Neumann lost $400,000 on an importation of ethanol from Brazil last September when the Government introduced a 38 cent-a-litre excise while the shipment was still at sea.


Neumann's partner in the importation, Trafigura Fuels - which lost about $600,000 on the deal - has accused the Government of using Australian diplomats in Brazil to effectively spy on its moves to import the fuel additive.

Mr Moreton directed most of his anger yesterday at the Minister for Trade, Mark Vaile, who conceded in Parliament that he had been with Mr Moreton on a trade mission to Iran when the ethanol excise decision was made by cabinet but had not warned him of the policy change.

"I was ropeable," Mr Moreton said yesterday. "Any sane, sensible businessman would never have entered into an export agreement with Brazil if they knew that the bloody rules were going to change.

"This is pernicious and treacherous. The way that they did it was absolutely meant to punish Trafigura and Neumann's.

"They weren't just changing the law to protect Manildra, but were setting out to cause us a financial loss. Absolutely. What other conclusion can you draw?"

Brazilian foreign affairs officials confirmed yesterday that the country's then ambassador to Canberra, Dayrell de Lima, had unsuccessfully lobbied against the Howard Government's sudden decision to raise the trade barriers.

One official said that Mr de Lima's objections, presented in person to the Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade, also failed to correct a misconception that Brazil's ethanol industry was heavily subsidised.

The Opposition has accused the Prime Minister, John Howard, of misleading Parliament by denying he had discussed Brazilian imports of ethanol with the head of Manildra, Dick Honan, before the excise decision was taken.

Documents released to Labor this week reveal Mr Howard and Mr Honan met seven weeks before the policy change and that the threat of cheaper Brazilian ethanol was raised.

Labor confirmed yesterday that it had returned a $50,000 donation made by Mr Honan two months ago.

The shadow treasurer, Mark Latham, said the cheque had turned into "dirty money" when Mr Honan demanded a meeting with the Opposition Leader, Simon Crean.

The Workplace Relations Minister, Tony Abbott, challenged Labor yesterday to return another $106,000 that Manildra had donated to the ALP during election campaigns since 1996.

A spokesman for Mr Crean said the money would not be returned because it had not come with the same demands for access that contravened the ALP's donation rules.

The ALP later produced an Australian Electoral Commission document showing that Manildra had donated to the campaigns of several Government MPs, as well as the Liberal, National and Labor parties, at the last election.

Manildra gave $10,000 to the local campaign of Mr Abbott, $7000 to Mr Howard's, $5000 to Lindsay MP Jackie Kelly's, and $2000 to Parramatta MP Ross Cameron's.

In an embarrassment to federal Labor yesterday, Queensland's Minister for State Development, Tom Barton, said he supported the Howard Government's assistance package, having returned from a tour of Brazil's sugar and ethanol industries.