
لا للدولة ، لا للحرب ، نعم للحریة و الثورة الاجتماعیة

لا للدولة ، لا للحرب ، نعم للحریة و الثورة الاجتماعیة

ندا‌ء عاجل الی الرفاق الأنارکیین و الأحرار في کل بقاع العالم
و نداء مباشر و خاص الی الأنارکیین و الأحرار الناطقین باللغة العربیة

لا للدولة ، لا للحرب ، نعم للحریة و الثورة الاجتماعیة

لا للدولة ولا للعبودية ونعم للحریة و الثورة الاجتماعیة

ندا‌ء عاجل الی الرفاق الأنارکیین و الأحرار في کل بقاع العالم
و نداء مباشر و خاص الی الأنارکیین و الأحرار الناطقین باللغة العربیة

لا للدولة ولا للعبودية ونعم للحریة و الثورة الاجتماعیة

نا بۆ دەوڵەت، نا بۆ جەنگ، بەڵێ بۆ سەربەخۆیی و شۆڕشی کۆمەڵایەتی

بانگەوازی بە پەلە بۆ ھاوڕێیانی ئەنارکیست و ئازادیخواز لە ھەر کوێیەکی جیھان ھەن
بانگەوازێکی ڕاستەوخۆ و تایبەت بۆ ھاوڕێیانی ئەنارکیست و ئازادیخوازی عەرەبی-زمان

نا بۆ دەوڵەت، نا بۆ جەنگ، بەڵێ بۆ سەربەخۆیی و شۆڕشی کۆمەڵایەتی

Na bo dewllet, na bo ceng, bellê bo serbexoyî û şorrşî komellayetî

Bangewazî be pele bo hawrrêyanî enarkîst û azadîxwaz le her kwêyekî cîhan hen
Bangewazêkî rastewxo û taybet bo hawrrêyanî enarkîst û azadîxwazî 'erebî-zman

Na bo dewllet, na bo ceng, bellê bo serbexoyî û şorrşî komellayetî

نە بە دولت، نە بە جنگ، آری بە استقلال وانقلاب اجتماعی

فراخوان سراسری برای رفقای آنارشیست ھر جائی جھان باشند، در ضمن ومخصوصا
رفقای آنارشیست و آزادیخواهان ( فارسی و عربی و تورکی زبان) در خاورمیانە

نە بە دولت، نە بە جنگ، آری بە استقلال وانقلاب اجتماعی

Battle for the Soul of Pride

Anarchist Stickerism

In the decades since the first pride marches took place in 1970 there have undoubtedly been massive gains made in the fight against persecution. Pride is, and should always be a celebration. A celebration of diversity, of power and of the gains we have made. It seems however that many of those in positions of power would rather we forgot HOW we’ve made it this far – and how far we have left to go.

Pyotr Ryabov, anarchist philosopher imprisoned for 6 days in Belarus, declared a hungerstrike

11th of October city court of Baranovichi, Belarus sentenced Russian anarchist Pyotr Ryabov. Anarchist philosopher, lecturer of department of Philosophy in Moscow State Pedagogical University was sentenced to 6 days of prison for "small hooliganism" and "distribution of extremist materials (statute 17.1 and 17.11 of codex of misdemeanors of Belarus).

Picket at the Belarusian Embassy in Moscow

A lecture on history is not a crime. Free Pyotr Ryabov.

On October 13 2017 individual picketing took place in front of the embassy of Belarus in Moscow, demanding the immediately release of Moscow libertarian philosopher Pyotr Ryabov, arrested in Belarus. A professor of philosophy at the Moscow Pedagogical University, Pyabov was arrested in Baranavichy, charged with "petty hooliganism," and sentenced on October 11 to six days of imprisonment, after which he went on a hunger strike.

Until Victory: film about struggles in Italy's meat industry

Picket at Levoni plant in Modena/Italy

New film about the struggle of workers organized in SI Cobas in the meat industry in Modena, Italy, in the winter of 2016/17. The material was filmed almost exclusively by workers and supporters themselves with their smartphones. It gives an impression of the physical violence and brutality perpetrated against superexploited workers.