Saturday, January 31, 2009


in my youth SPERMBIRDS have been one of my favorite bands but when their original singer, an American guy called Lee Hollis left to concentrate on his other band STEAKNIFE I lost my interest in SPERMBIRDS music.this one-sided 2 track 7" came with a German zine called Zap and delivers a cover of 12XU and a song of their own. I haven't played this 7" for many years and when I played it today I found it boring... decide for yourself by clicking the pic above!

Friday, January 30, 2009


can somebody translate this for me?

Thursday, January 29, 2009


posting BG's 1st 7" got me in contact with Evan who played in BG, BENCHMARK and BURNED UP BLED DRY and was kind enough to send me rips of BG's demo and this 7". as I got this 7" myself in the meantime and his rip was done with just 128 kbits I decided to use my own rip. Evan said that this 7" would be much better than their 1st one and I agree 100%! it's not only tighter and has a better sound it has also better songs. you can really hear that they developed as band. they just played a re-union show so maybe you can also see them live if you're lucky! expect the BG demo to be posted soon!

Friday, January 23, 2009


I've re-upped the BOLTSTEIN / INSECT WARFARE - split 7". this time ripped with 320 kbits and scans of the whole artwork! click the cover!

edit: another reason to re-up this is today is the 29th of January a.k.a. Blastbeat Celebration Day!

Sunday, January 18, 2009


what you see above is the cover of one of the 50 ultra-super-limited-to-only-50-copies-special-covers! a trick I will keep in mind for the records that I will release! the regular version has a printed front- and back-cover with drawings from Flo Bertmer the 50 ultra-super-limited-to-only-50-copies-special-covers are just full-color laser-prints on thick paper that are hand-numbered from 1 to 50. as you don't even get a back-cover you don't get a tracklist neither and the labels also won't tell you the songtitles. lyrics? fuck no! music-wise I've to say that I really like it! it's just 4 tracks that aren't as fast as you'd normally expect any AGORAPHOBIC NOSEBLEED track to be but I somehow like it. the 7"es coming with the ultra-super-limited-to-only-50-copies-special-covers are on red vinyl the ones with the regular covers came in 3 or 4 different vinyl colors!


another 7" comp. out of 625 THRASHCORE's "DETONATION-SERIES" that is good enough for a quick post is would be this 7" called PHOENIX THRASH DETONATION. it features CALL THE COPS, GEORGE MOSHINGTON, GET DESTROYED, LANDMINE MARATHON, SNAGGLETOOTH, THINK FAST and VIRGINS. worth the download for LANDMINE MARATHON alone!


maybe you remember my post of the IRON LUNG / LORDS OF LIGHT split 7" that I posted cause when that split arrived in my den it was so wrapped that it wouldn't play properly and I had been told that the whole pressing was fucked up, bla bla (go back and read that post if you care). well, Marc a.k.a Batguano answered my call and sent me a rip of his (also wrapped) copy. 2 days later however I received an e-mail from Rudolf, the guy behind WURGAKKOORD one of the 2 labels that released the 7" telling me that the rumors about the whole pressing being fucked up aren't true and that he'd send me a non-fucked copy if I'd send him my postal address which I did.

weeks later another e-mail from Rudolf telling me he hasn't forgotten to send me the 7" he was just fucking busy. I took a look on his website, ordered some more records, sent him money via paypal and wrote him back that now I'd at least pay the postage for the 7". well, to make a long story short as I had overlooked some infos on his page I hadn`t sent enough money but as some stuff was sold out Rudolf told me that I had sent too much money and he'd send me some extra goodies cause of that and the delay! you can see the goodies (incl. DEVOID OF FAITH's 7" in a ltd. to 50 copies edition, on the pic below!

but the coolest thing he sent me is the IRON LUNG / LORDS OF LIGHT split 7" in an ultra ltd. edition cover that shows.... ME! thanks Rudolf!

oh, and the free download that was included in my copy of TRAP THEM's SEANCE PRIME 7" came with a PUNK AS FUCK "wallpaper" for computers in the archive! go get it below and score some PUNKpoints!

Saturday, January 17, 2009


there's now hope cause you can download INTEGRITY's HUMANITY IS THE DEVIL 10" and their SEASONS IN THE SEIZE OF DAYS 12", their brilliant SYSTEMS OVERLOADED 12", and their masterpiece FOR THOSE WHO FEAR TOMORROW from their myspace-blog!

b.t.w. there was a vinyl version called ...AND FOR THOSE THAT STILL FEAR TOMORROW on TOYBOX and HOLY TERROR that came with a really cool gimmick: as the tracks wouldn't fit on a 12" with 33 rpm this record is a 12" and a 5" at the same time! it plays like a regular 12" but where normally the labels would begin this record continues having one song playing from the inside out on each side if you got a proper record player...

Friday, January 16, 2009


Seriously PUNCH deliver sick-fucking HARDCORE. hailing from the Bay-Area and featuring ex-members of prior Bay-Area blast-units like DOPPELGANGER and ROSENBOMBS, PUNCH take it to a new level by bringing small doses of moshparts, only to switch back into rapid-fire blasting that will kick your teeth in at once. another thing that sets them apart from the rest is that they are female fronted and the lady handling the vocals does a great job. There's playing fast, then there's playing fast and then there's stuff like this!


is already out and it's name is... CLUBBED! beware not for the weak minded! there are plenty scenes with very violent content! as a matter of fact there are such violent scenes that my girlfriend refused to watch the whole movie. the movie is based on WATCH MY BACK, the 1st book of the world's most famous bouncer respected author and one of the world's leading authorities in self defense Geoff Thompson (whom you can see on 2 very short occasions in the movie). they blew up the story a little bit here and there, if you've read the book you'll recognize those parts but basically the movie follows the story of the book. to be honest i didn't expect the movie to be so bloodsoaked and violent which means that if you don't know the book getting the intention of the movie could be difficult. but don't worry I'll spell it out for you: the movie is about transformation, about the transformation of a coward into a man who stands his ground. the violence comes into play as that's the way he transforms himself, his way of therapy so to speak. also the movie has a lot of quotes from Sun-Tsu's THE ART OF WAR and other more philosophical stuff but it's hard to notice if you don't know it already side by side with the extreme violence! if you click the pic you'll get to a site where you can download CLUBBED!

Thursday, January 15, 2009


MOSH EISLEY's Rob wrote this about the EXTORTION / RUPTURE split 5" some time ago: "...Up next is the brand new split 5" of everybodys darlings from Australia EXTORTION and once famous RUPTURE. What a promising team up you might think! Well... Okay the EXTORTION side serves what you expect. Very pissed in your face blasts. Highspeed powerviolence like on their previous records. A very short attack which is over shortly after it started. 3 songs, 3 minutes. But I have to say that EXTORTION did better before. These 3 songs don´t have what their other records had. Theses 3 songs sound like outtakes to me. Definitely not as good as their older stuff. Oh well, the RUPTURE side of this split 5": I don´t have to tell you how good their 1st 7" and their 10" are. Legendary stuff! But what is this? Strange, annoying, boring punk rock. There is just one good aspect on this side of the record: Just one short song. I can´t stand it!! Decide for your self if you need a very short record because of a good band that has done better before and a legendary band that embarrasses themselves? Maybe I´m going to upload this 5" however, so that you don´t have to buy it..." well, as I got a weak spot for 5"es I bought it anyway and while I agree with Rob I think he has left out the most important point! RUPTURE are stupid enough to think that there is someone, somewhere who is provoked cause their song is called VEGETABLE CUNT FUCK and not just bored as fuck... now EXTORTION's 3 tracks are called SHIT FOR BRAINS, FUCKED IN THE HEAD and PATHETIC and quotes from the lyrics would be: "I can't believe I put up with you, just so I don't appear so rude, you're so boring you drive me insane, it's plain to see you got shit for brain" or "you're fucking disgusting, worth less than nothing, and after all you said, fucked in the head" and now if you think about it, it seems pretty obvious that EXTORTION are talking about RUPTURE in their songs! pathetic idiots with shit for brains... the description fits RUPTURE perfect! of course I can't proof that but as you can't proof me wrong I'll stick to that opinion! click the hate ape to download!

Tuesday, January 13, 2009


STALINGRAD are one of the most brutal bands the world has seen till today! period! I think this 7" picture disc on ARMED WITH ANGER REC. (no better label-name to release a STALINGRAD record possible b.t.w.) was their 1st vinyl release but I'm not 100% sure. as usual all their tracks blend into one another with some noise added to make it a real pain in the ass if you try to separate it into single tracks. as I'm no masochist and the 7" leaves the deepest impression if you listen to it from start to finish I just ripped it to side a and b!


this is BOOKBURNER's 1st 7" released by ONE SIX OH REC. and on their homepage BOOKBURNER say about themselves: "Bookburner is honest grind and we have no room for conventionality, and that's all you need to know, fuckers." so the only thing I'll add is that the artwork was done by none other than Jon Kortland of IRON LUNG and GOB.

Sunday, January 11, 2009


I stumbled over a rip of HUMMINGBIRD OF DEATH's demo from 2005 somewhere on the web some time ago as it has 16 tracks and the tape just had 15 I assume it's a rip from one of the 11 CD-R demos that had 1 bonustrack. HUMMINGBIRD OF DEATH call Boise/Idaho home, play fast as fuck HARDCORE (they've released a 5" with 20 tracks on it) and are among my favorite bands at the moment!


another band that popped up out of the blue and managed to usurp a place among my all time faves at once are LEGION DCLXVI or LEGION 666 for those that have problems with the old Roman's way of spelling numbers. I'm still thankful to Chris Crustcracker for bringing this band to my attention! this is their KISS THE GOAT CD released by SCHIZOPHRENIC REC. in 2001. it's an older (CD-only-) release which is limited to 1000 copies, has nice artwork, really thoughtful lyrics and comes with a nice mini-poster. not as good as their last BLACK GOAT ARMAGEDDON full-length but still great. on their last 12" LEGION DCLXVI manage to melt PUNK, HARDCORE, CRUST, THRASHMETAL and old BLACK METAL (think VENOM not IDIOT & AND THE WANNABE NAZIS!) perfectly into an ass-kicking, unique sound. here they are quite successful already, making up some ground with a MOB 47 cover, but far from the perfection they got now! they also were the 1st HARDCORE band that used satanic images, etc. and made it to something like their identity! as a matter of fact they pushed the Satanism thing in images, lyrics, etc. to another level in the "scene"which I think is great and highly appreciated as far as I'm concerned! so my advise would be to get both records if you've the chance!

I just got my copy of the repress of the SYPHILITIC VAGINAS 12" on HARDCORE HOLOCAUST REC. and I think it's a killer record! the HARDCORE HOLOCAUST site tells you: "Here is the revised & final edition of Syphilitic Vaginas 12". Initially limited to 135 copies and released on Rescued From Life records, then repressed in an edition of 500 copies, this is a new repressing of 500 with a color change on the jacket design. To warn the meek: the 8 tracks contained on this album are among the most destructive Japanese style metal punk madness let loose this side of the millennium. The obvious inspirations are Japan’s original blasphemers GISM & ZOUO, but Syphilitic Vaginas offer a fresh take on the sound with a fitting lean towards imagery from Satanism & the Occult. 45rpm, no insert, all titles in Japanese." while I'd tend to agree on most of that I also know that there are a lot of rumors concerning them that range from being a fake Japanese band to whatever... well, I said it before but I guess I'd also like them if they were little green men from Mars in case they'd still play the same brand of DEVILPUNK. I'd be more curious about the occult stuff mentioned and if the advocating of human sacrifice done on the cover happened by design or by accident? hurry up if you want a copy as the re-press was just 500 copies! b.t.w. the "all Japanese titles" should translate to:
1.) Sacrifice Tonight (Intro) / 2.) Motor Demon / 3.) Possessed To Fuck / 4.) Angel Of Destruction / 5.) In Satanic Service / 6.) Armageddon Buttfuck / 7.) Nightly Fighter / 8.) Cloven Hoof (Outro)


PAINDRIVER's THE TRUTH 7" that was released by SOUND POLLUTION in 1997 has been on my wantlist for quite some time but now I finally scored 2 copies. as PAINDRIVER's THIS HAS NO END 12" has been posted here already some time ago you should all be familiar with this outstanding band. in case you downloaded the 12" you are already familiar with some songs as they appear here as well as on the 12" but in different versions (read: re-recorded for the 12"). to my surprise Aaron's voice sounds a lot more ULCER-like here than on PAINDRIVER's later recordings (as ULCER are among the cream of the crop that's nothing to worry about) something I really didn't expect! 9 (the 1st and 2nd song blend into one another so I left it that way) vicious, fast and angry ragers and above all the voice of one of the best vocalists HARDCORE will ever see!


as today seems to be "LET'S-WRITE-THE-POPE-A-WHINEY-EMAIL-AND/OR-COMMENT-DAY" I thought I should do a quick post of Y's A BLACK SHEEP ...IS STILL A SHEEP 7" released on EXCELSIOR REC. which is run by none other than my old buddy Devon whom you might know as the guy with glasses handling the bass in DROPDEAD just cause of the title! Y hit the nail right on the head with their title enough idiots proved them right just today alone! 6 thrashers, 5 of their own and a cover of TOILETS from the mighty G-ÄNX in the typical Y fashion that rip you a new one! Berlin's Y were a really great band and in case you never saw them live believe me you should regret that!