Trading when debt doesn't matter

Dymon's Danny Yong has never had a year where he's lost money trading the yen or the renminbi. Right now, he's more bullish on China.


Rod Sims, chairman of the ACCC, says the agency didn't examine the Clean Energy Target's effects on electricity prices. ...

CET may push energy prices up down or up

Rod Sims queried the consumer case for the proposed Clean Energy Target, saying it could help to push wholesale electricity prices down but renewable energy target subsidies may push up retail prices again leaving no net benefit

Xi Jinping's big gamble

China's powerful leader Xi Jinping has overridden institutional norms, creating concern about the future.

Personal Finance

Go global to build your wealth

Sticking with a local focus means missing out on better returns and putting your investments at risk. Why you could be missing out if you're not invested in global stocks.