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Cooperation and Culture

The growing significance of Cultural Intelligence – understanding social differences to avoid communication breakdown.

"The number one predictor of your success in today’s borderless world is not your IQ, your resume, or even your expertise. It’s your CQ."


[ International Cooperation ]

Much of the research on CQ has been done by Soon Ang, a professor of management at the Nanyang Technological University in Singapore. In the late 1990s, her job was updating computer systems in Singapore to tackle the “Y2K bug” – a software glitch that was feared would bring down the world’s computer networks at the turn of the millennium. Ang put together an international team of programmers to solve the problem.

They were some of the brightest minds in the business, yet she soon found that they just couldn’t work together. The groups were ineffectual and failed to gel. Often, individual members would appear to agree on a solution, but then implement it in completely different ways.

[ Communication Theory ]

Clearly, it wasn’t a question of expertise or motivation. Instead, she saw that these highly capable employees were stumbling over each other’s cultural differences, leading to a breakdown in communication and understanding.

These insights would lead Ang to collaborate with the organisational psychologist P. Christopher Earley, then at the London Business School but now dean of the school of business and economics at the University of Tasmania, Australia. Together they built a comprehensive theory of CQ, which they defined as “the capability to function effectively in a variety of cultural contexts”.


[ Intelligence Assessment ]

Typically CQ typically has four distinct components. The first is “CQ Drive” – the motivation to learn about other cultures. Then there is “CQ Knowledge”, which is an understanding of some of the general cultural differences you may face. “CQ Strategy”, examines how you make sense of those difficult confrontations and learn from them while “CQ Action”, involves your behavioural flexibility – whether you are able to adapt your conduct like a cultural chameleon.

[ Singular Perspective ]

Someone with low CQ might have a tendency to view everyone else’s behaviour through his own cultural lens. If he comes from a more gregarious environment, for instance, and notices that his Japanese colleagues are very quiet in a meeting, he may assume that they are being hostile or bored. In aviation, such cultural differences have sometimes caused a breakdown in communication between pilots and air traffic controllers, leading to fatal crashes.

[ Dynamic Perspective ]

A person at the top of the scale, meanwhile, might realise that silence is a sign of respect and that feedback won’t be given unless it is explicitly invited. As a result, she’ll make sure to offer suitable opportunities within the meeting for others to provide their opinions. Perhaps unsurprisingly, many studies have explored how expats adapt to life abroad, showing that those with the highest initial CQ will find it easier to adjust to their new life. But CQ can also predict more objective aspects of job performance, such as international sales performance, negotiation skills, and overall leadership ability.

[ Intelligence Comparison ]

One study from 2011 measured the IQ, emotional intelligence, or EQ, and CQ of 126 officers studying at the Swiss Military Academy as they engaged in various assignments supporting the United Nations in foreign territories and on international training exercises.

Although all three forms of intelligence appeared to contribute to their overall performance, CQ turned out to be the best predictor – accounting for around 25% of the variation in the officers’ success on the international missions. IQ, by contrast, only predicted around 9.5% of the differences, while EQ predicted 3.5%.


[ Corporate Performance ]

While people with a high CQ might naturally gravitate to international jobs, these studies suggest differences in CQ can also predict their performance once they’re hired.

This evaluation is leading companies to test CQ and find out how they can boost their employees’ scores. Organisations such as Starbucks, Bloomberg and the University of Michigan have used the services of the Cultural Intelligence Center in Michigan, which offers intercultural assessments and a range of courses.

[ Cultural Experience ]

Crucially, CQ can be learned. There’s no replacement for direct, personal experience in another country, though it seems that people mostly benefit from having tasted a variety of different cultures if they want to learn those generalizable skills. “While understanding a specific culture can be useful, it may not predict at all your ability to engage effectively in a new place. In fact, our research finds that individuals who have spent extended time in multiple locations are more likely to have higher CQ Knowledge than those who have lived multiple decades in one overseas setting.”

[ Speedy Integration ]

But explicitly teaching some of the key concepts seems to ease that process. Employees may take a CQ test and then work with a coach to identify potential challenges. Afterwards, they discuss those experiences and the ways they could adapt their behaviour in the future. Using this strategy, expat bankers moving to the Middle East and Asia appeared to have fully adjusted to their new life in just three months, while without the training, it normally took expat employees nine months to become fully functional.


[ Resistant Mindset ]

But not everyone’s CQ grows with experience. Even after years of living abroad, some people’s understanding of other cultures appear to plateau, and they may also be resistant to training.

Now researchers are trying to discover the reasons for these differences. Melody Chao, a social psychologist at the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology believes one answer lies in an individual’s mindset.

[ Fixed vs Flux ]

She has been inspired by the work of the educational psychologist Carol Dweck, who has shown that people’s beliefs of their own capabilities often become self-fulfilling prophecies. On one hand, some people view their abilities as “fixed” and unchangeable. Others may have a “growth mindset”, meaning that they see their abilities as being more fluid, and so they are likely to persevere through hardship and embrace new challenges.

These differences soon add up, meaning someone with the fixed mindset may start out with greater natural talent, only to quickly fall behind someone with a growth mindset.

[ Static Anxiety ]

Dweck’s work considered traditional concepts of intelligence, but Chao has shown that a similar process underlies changes in CQ too. If someone believes that cultural attributes are fixed, for instance, they may face greater anxiety during their interactions with local people, and may crumble after a confusing or difficult encounter without thinking of ways to adapt in the future.

[ Belief & Boundaries ]

As a result, those cultural differences may come to feel like insurmountable boundaries. “Individuals’ beliefs create a reality for themselves,” says Chao. She argues that businesses could measure these underlying beliefs in addition to their employees’ raw CQ scores, to determine who is most likely to benefit from international experience.

[ Nascent Connectivity ]

Despite these new ways of thinking, research in this area is still in its infancy, warns Chao. “As international and intercultural dynamics have been changing very rapidly, there is still much for us to learn about how to enhance cultural competence of individuals,” she says. In a world where our global connections grow ever tighter, that new understanding can’t come quickly enough.

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Saturday sizzle with AFC Annemarie! Thank you to our proud sponsor of @pbtofficial #falconscheer

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#Sports #NFL #Cheerleaders

(Credit: Atlanta Falcons Cheerleaders)

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As Android Oreo continues to trickle down to more devices, the OnePlus 3 and 3T have gotten much closer to being added to that list. #News #AndroidOreo #OnePlus3

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Hillary Clinton says President Donald Trump's threat to pull out of the Iran nuclear accord is "dangerous," and she suggests her former campaign opponent is undermining the validity of the United States' promises to other nations.

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This week has flown past, Mia turned 7 on Friday and we had a birthday party for her yesterday. This has meant taking photos has taken a step back so I've been looking through photos of the summer and remembering a time when jumpers and coats weren't needed.

Taken at the glorious Trentham Gardens when we met up with Kerri-Ann from Life as our little family. #MySundayPhoto

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OneNote app for Android Adds Password Protection and Fingerprint Unlock

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But do we want one?

Pixel 2 Hands On

So I got some hands on time with the Google Pixel 2 today. The XL 2 won't be available till tomorrow so I will see if I can get some time with that one then. But for now let me share my thoughts on the Pixel 2. The phone is crazy light. Like shockingly light. It almost feels hollow when you pick it up. The build seems premium but unlike most people I actually like my phone to have some heft to it. So I do not like how the Pixel 2 is weighted. However, I do like whatever they did with the metal. That soft touch reminds me very much of the Nexus 5 and allows for a better grip on the phone. So glad it's not as slick in the hands as the OG Pixel.

I do love the more square feeling of the device. It actually feels easier to hold in your hand than the OG Pixel, so I think they did a very good job with the overall shape of the device. The screen is definitely not as crispy as even the OG Pixel XL. I could see the difference immediately. The speakers are loud, a bit tinny at the high end but loud enough for you to enjoy whatever content you are viewing.

Fingerprint reader works fast and the software flies. I think both Pixel devices are once again going to be a software showcase and not a physical showpiece which to me is fine because I am a software guy anyway. The camera was fantastic for a point and shoot. I took 4 pictures and all came out wonderful. Overall, I think it is a good successor to the current OG Pixel. They really do need to reduce the bezels though cause they are huge.

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Getting a New Google Home? Here’s Why You Should Ditch Spotify for Google Play Music

Google Play wants to be the streaming service of choice for all Google devices. With added features designed to entice Google Home, Chromecast, and Android users, here’s why it’s worth your consideration over other services like Spotify.

- Google Play Store Integration is Convenient
- Get YouTube Red for Free
- Google Play Music lets you add 50,000 of your own songs. You can bring pretty much your entire music collection wherever you go once you upload your tunes and create and save “instant mixes” based on any of your songs.

Even if you don't pony up $10 a month for Play Music, you can still upload your music collection, create and save "instant" mixes," tweak your equalizer levels, set a sleep timer, and more.

If there is one thing common among most smart speakers these days, it is music playback. Most speakers have support of major streaming services, so in most cases you're going to get access to most of your tunes on any of services.

#googlehome #googleassistant #connectedhome #googleplaymusic #spotify

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#Mosul #Iraq this is only 8 minutes.

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Out of obscurity, Predators learning to live in NHL spotlight: A run to the 2017 Stanley Cup Final has put the Predators in the NHL spotlight, an unfamiliar position for the franchise.

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Rare Dinosaur-Era Bird Wings Trapped in Amber | #Geology #GeologyPage

Two tiny wings locked in amber 99 million years ago suggest that in the middle of the Cretaceous period — when dinosaurs still walked the planet — bird feathers already looked a lot like they do today.

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FDA-approved robot assistant gives surgeons force feedback

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In the morning, the sun came out a moment, so I tried to get the colors if they were still there.
Soon is winter here, and then I start photography snow .

I'm interested in what people see in my pictures.
That's why I also describe my pictures a little, it help me understand what others think and see.
I take pictures of everything, because everything has something that is memorable.
Soon I'll post a new photos. I use here my Sony NEX-5T and Sony Lens 55-210 mm.

#color #colorphoto #colorphotography #new #sun #sky #life #photo #photography #photos #images #image #gallery #art #artgallery #steem #steemithelp #sony #nex #lens #home

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Saturn, Tethys, Rings, and Shadows

Explanation: Seen from ice moon Tethys, rings and shadows would display fantastic views of the Saturnian system. Haven't dropped in on Tethys lately? Then this gorgeous ringscape from the Cassini spacecraft will have to do for now.

Caught in sunlight just below and left of picture center in 2005, Tethys itself is about 1,000 kilometers in diameter and orbits not quite five saturn-radii from the center of the gas giant planet.

At that distance (around 300,000 kilometers) it is well outside Saturn's main bright rings, but Tethys is still one of five major moons that find themselves within the boundaries of the faint and tenuous outer E ring.

Discovered in the 1980s, two very small moons Telesto and Calypso are locked in stable locations along Tethys' orbit. Telesto precedes and Calypso follows Tethys as the trio circles Saturn.

Image Credit: Cassini Imaging Team, SSI, JPL, ESA, NASA

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Brain waves reflect different types of learning

Figuring out how to pedal a bike and memorizing the rules of chess require two different types of learning, and now for the first time, researchers have been able to distinguish each type of learning by the brain-wave patterns it produces. These distinct neural signatures could guide scientists as they study the underlying neurobiology of how we both learn motor skills and work through complex cognitive tasks, says Earl K. Miller, the Picower Professor of Neuroscience at the Picower Institute for Learning and Memory and the Department of Brain and Cognitive Sciences.. When neurons fire, they produce electrical signals that combine to form brain waves that oscillate at different frequencies. "Our ultimate goal is to help people with learning and memory deficits," notes Miller. "We might find a way to stimulate the human brain or optimize training techniques to mitigate those deficits." The neural signatures could help identify changes in learning strategies that occur in diseases such as Alzheimer's, with an eye to diagnosing these diseases earlier or enhancing certain types of learning to help patients cope with the disorder, says Roman F. Loonis, a graduate student in the Miller Lab and first author of the paper.

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What the #CIA’s #Tech Director wants from #AI
#Cybernetics #CEOs #CIOs #CTOs #Technology #TechStrategy

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Beauty of the Sea © Holger Nimtz
Baltic Sea | 44 sec. longexposure | 2017

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Vintage Dahlia

My water page

#macrophotography #hqspmacro #hqspflowers #fotomaniaitalia #ilovephotography

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Wild Onion
Found this in my backyard and decided to photograph it once or twice before freezing it.

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Animated Photo
In Honor of Star Wars The Last Jedi final trailer release
What are Porgs?

The world has been asking the question that has been on everyone's mind. What or who, are these wonderful looking creatures, that have captured the hearts of millions across the world. Porgs are a sea bird species that lives on the planet Ahch-To, where Jedi Master Luke Skywalker hid in exile. The creatures, who dwelled on the cliffs of the island, can build nests and fly. Male porgs were known to be slightly bigger in size than females. Baby porgs are called porglets. They’re the Star Wars version of puffins, which is a species of bird found in the North Pacific Ocean and in the North Atlantic Ocean. I think a lot of people are going to want a porg as a pet after watching the movie this December. Lucasfilm announced an upcoming kids’ book called, "Chewie and the Porgs." The plot of the book is unknown but not sure if the book will be officially Canon, or just a kids book. The book will be released simultaneously with the move, The last Jedi, on December 15, 2017.

What do you think of the Porgs?

Check out our Super Cute Porg trailer

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NASA’s Cassini Spacecraft Ends Its Historic Exploration of Saturn..
Engineers at NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory in Pasadena, California, awaited the final transmission from the Cassini spacecraft as it plunged into Saturn's atmosphere ending its 20-year voyage of discovery.
#Astronomy #NASA #Hubble #ESA #SETI #ISS #Cassini #Science #Science64 #Saturn

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Taylor Swift holds secret listening party in London

Taylor Swift held a secret listening party at her home in London to debut her new album.
The 27-year-old personally selected 100 fans to the event on Friday, ahead of the release of her sixth studio album Reputation on Nov. 10 .
According to the fans who attended the once-in-a-lifetime bash, Swift had stalked the fans on Twitter before extending the invitation to them. One fan even claimed the Shake It Off singer knew she'd previously been to one of 1989 World Tour dates, and wrote on Friday: "Taylor has been stalking me on Twitter for a year! She knew I went to Nashville for 1989! I cant cope with life (sic)."

"How did I end up sitting on Taylor’s living room floor listening to her unreleased album with my best friends?" wrote another.
Those who were handpicked for the secret session not only got to listen to her highly-anticipated new album, but got to meet Swift and were given a gift of a snake keychain with engraved with the word "London", according to
The Grammy Award winner has introduced fans to her new albums in similar secret sessions before, and held events in her places in London, Los Angeles, Nashville and New York City ahead of the release of 1989 in 2014.
The secret event is just one in a series of surprises that Swift has in store for British fans. On Wednesday, the singer stunned young fan Lara by turning up to her house to deliver a gift.
Lara showed off photos of herself posing beside Taylor on Instagram and pieces of new merchandise the singer had brought with her for her devotee.

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Cubs fall to Dodgers 5-2 in Game 1 of National League Championship Series

Jon Lester will start Game 2 against the Dodgers' Rich Hill, with first pitch set for 6:38 p.m. on Sunday.

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Eminem brought his considerable wit and literary talent to bear on the Trump administration. Take a listen to this freestyle and prepare to get your blood up. 

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When E. coli bacteria divide, they have to separate two linked circles of DNA into two separate circles. UC Davis mathematician Mariel Vazquez and colleagues are using the mathematics of shapes (topology) and computer modeling to understand this process. (

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From complex traits to omnigenic traits: a new perspective for quantitative genetics.
A central goal of genetics is to understand the links between genetic variation and disease. Intuitively, one might expect disease-causing variants to cluster into key pathways that drive disease etiology. But for complex traits, association signals tend to be spread across most of the genome, including near many genes without an obvious connection to disease. We propose that gene regulatory networks are sufficiently interconnected such that all genes expressed in disease-relevant cells are liable to affect the functions of core disease-related genes and that most heritability can be explained by effects on genes outside core pathways. _We refer to this hypothesis as an “omnigenic” model.
The article:

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San Diego’s next police chief should prioritize higher pay for officers, curbing racial profiling and coping with the mentally ill, city residents said during a series of community forums that concluded last week.

Residents said the new chief should also strive for a racially diverse police force, officer training for dealing with homeless people and transparency with the public, especially regarding footage from body-worn cameras.

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A REMATCH of the 2016 AFC Divisional Round!
Pittsburgh Steelers vs. The Kansas City Chiefs,

Who comes out on top? #PITvsKC

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#Sports #NFL

(Credit: NFL)

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Entering her fifth year on the squad and a captain, Jodi's shoot was filmed in Key West for this year's annual!

Watch video:

#Sports #NFL #Cheerleaders

(Credit: Miami Dolphins Cheerleaders)

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Everything You Need to Know About Beauty Brands on Instagram - #infographic
With Instagram more popular than ever, brands and social media marketers keen to understand how they can use the social network more effectively for their business. One vertical that is really getting the most out of Instagram is beauty. As a highly visual ...

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“Health insurance stocks, which have gone through the roof during the Obamacare years, plunged yesterday after I ended their Dems windfall!” Trump tweeted.

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Our president, ladies and gentlemen.

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Blurry And Unexpected Surprise – Final Photo Sent By Rosetta’s Historic Mission
September 28, 2017 | Astronomy
Immediately before it shut down on the surface of the comet last year, Rosetta sent one last image of its touchdown site. Scientists analyzed Rosetta’s final telemetry.

Among many detailed images and scientific data on the comet’s gas, dust and plasma, there was one last surprise in store for the camera team, who managed to reconstruct the final telemetry packets into a sharp image.

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In case you missed it: Here's how the Pixel 2 and Pixel 2 XL stack up against the Samsung Galaxy Note 8, LG V30, and iPhone X.

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