What do you want to know?

Put your curiosity to work and get answers with the world’s #1 online survey software.

We're more than survey software

You've got #workgoals.

We'll help you meet them.

Join the 99% of the Fortune 500 who rely on SurveyMonkey for People Powered Data

We've always been a customer-focused company, but SurveyMonkey helps us be even more centered on that.

Neil Wainwright

Co-founder, Nexonia

Nextdoor is committed to delighting our members. Surveys are the way we track whether we are meeting this commitment.

Lindsey Buick

Product Specialist, Nextdoor

SurveyMonkey is one of our foundational tools.

Jamie Viggiano

Senior Director Marketing, Task Rabbit

SurveyMonkey has really been helpful for us to understand where our trends are going and really helps us predict things.

Rachel Suter

Style Director & Director of Merchandising, Stella & Dot

For you

Get a platform that can grow and change along with your survey needs over time. Browse our plans to learn more about specific features.


For your organization

Manage your company’s data with advanced security and control, so you can enable your teams to share and collaborate safely.