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Sat October 14, 2017
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This tiny little English pub has been named the best restaurant in the world. So... road trip anyone?
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(Fox News)
Fox News thinks that allegations of sexual misconduct should force a large media company to shut down entirely
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Do you live in, Kentucky, Maine, Minnesota, Missouri, Montana, Oklahoma, Pennsylvania, South Carolina, or Washington? Travel papers please, citizen
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So what was her Fark handle?
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Family of muggles stranded in Scottish highlands rescued by the Hogwarts Express. Last seen being herded off to a castle by a bearded half-giant, and preparing for 7 years of twee adventures followed by torture and death. Sweet
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Photoshop this ancient communications technology
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What do you call a mom with with no arms and no legs? Plaintiff
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(Buffalo News)
Your Fark-ready headline for today: "Opposition mounts against proposed Dairy Queen-turned-slaughterhouse"
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(WXYZ Detroit)
"Five, five, five dollar nickel bag"
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Why yes officer, my truck is in A+ mechanical condition and I'm as sober as a nun
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(Orlando Sentinel)
In attempt to find hard-to-adopt dog breeds homes, pet shelters to stop listing dogs by breed and will instead use Harry Potter-themed sorting system. Your dog wants Snape
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(Washington Post)
"What are you in for?" "Carjacking." "Cool. And what are you in for?" "Murder." "Cool. What about you, fresh fish, what are you in for?" "I liked somebody's Facebook post." *backs away slowly*
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(ABC News)
As god as my witness
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(RTE Ireland)
Tropical storm warning now in effect for all of Ireland
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Man lives in woods for ten years to get away from his wife, who was upset with his a) drinking, b) messing around on Fark, or c) gardening
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(The Sun)
Jilted girlfriend of Wall Street banker gives his £100k Mercedes a bath after being scorned on business deal, dumped at dinner (possible nsfw content on page)
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(Some Guy)
Photoshop this golden girolle
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The opening salvo in the War on Christmas has just been fired
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(Baltimore Sun)
Even felines who work hard at their job all week look forward to Caturday
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French Intelligence agency surrenders
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This was a tough week to be a woman
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(Mother Nature Network)
Does the world really need diet avocados?
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(Daily Mail)
Food and Drug Administration backs move to make smaller condoms because the average size of 6.69 inches is too big for NRA members
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(WMUR New Hampshire)
You would think a $1 million lottery winner wouldn't shoplift lipstick. You would be wrong
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(AP News)
Excuse me. I thought this was America
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(Daily Mail)
Mother who attempted to slowly murder her child by refusing to vaccinate him is outraged he received safe vaccines while she was in jail for her depraved crimes
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Fri October 13, 2017
Keebler bakery catches fire
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(The Raw Story)
White supremacists rally behind Louis Farrakhan
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(WQAD Quad Cities)
93 & 100-year-old Chicago sisters hoping to see another Cubs' World Series win. Funny how that headline went from sad to spiffy about a year ago
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Pure PANDA-monium after record number of giant panda cubs melt hearts at first public appearance at Chinese zoo
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(Washington Post)
Ingmar Bergman movies, heavy metal, eating rotten fish. Scandinavians love death. And now they've deathified spring cleaning
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(Daily Mail)
Veterinarians are horrified at the increase of extreme breeding where horses are bred to look like the British monarchy
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You've got a parking problem when unpaid tickets drive you to bankruptcy
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Got 53.8 Bitcoins burning a hole in your pocket? Then you and your whole family can become citizens of Vanuatu, a lovely island nation with no income or corporate taxes, which is often ranked as the 4th happiest place on earth
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Photoshop theme: An improvement to apartment living
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(New York Daily News)
Former presidential candidate Hillary Clinton in talks to become a professor at Columbia University and also house her archives there
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(Juneau Empire)
Dehydrated goat hunters rescued from mountain. Subby usually hunts for dehydrated goat in the jerky aisle
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(Fox 4 KC)
TV news report leads man to old shirt, $24 million jackpot. Subby's old shirt just tells him wrong numbers to play
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Twitter Is Crawling With Bots. This submission to Fark was not made by a bot. Probably
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(KETV Omaha)
Shoot, a fella could have a pretty good weekend in Vegas with that much fentanyl
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Photoshop this horrifying game
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(Some Guy)
Scientist 1: "It's impossible to get grant funding lately you know? You really need a winner of an idea..." Scientist 2: "Hold my beer and watch this"
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NYC Party - November 11th 2017 @ Amity Hall
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Meanwhile in Italy, somebody won the right to use family sick leave for their ailing dog
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(Some Madagascarian)
Shut. Down. Everything
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(Washington Post)
Soon Idaho may be known for more than just potatoes. It may soon be designated as the first U.S. Dark Sky Reserve if approved by the International Dark-Sky Association (with some pretty cool photos comparing light pollution in cities vs the wilderness)
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Kangaroos resort to bodybuilding to survive the most dangerous country in the world
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Trump decertifies Iran nuclear deal, but will not withdraw from it. Calls on Congress to fix it by adding things it was never designed to do
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(Washington Post)
For those of you who are superstitious and even for those of you who are not, "How many Friday the 13ths have you lived through?", assuming you make it until midnight. (w handy calculator)
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Fark-ready headline: Brave passengers board last ever Flight 666 to HEL on Friday the 13th
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Ever wonder just why Friday the 13th is considered unlucky? Other than having a giant machete welding killer coming after you?
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People with depression should take magic mushrooms to feel more like a rebooted or defragged computer
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(Science 2.0)
"No, Yellowstone Is Not Going To Erupt As A Supervolcano Soon. No, It Can't Destroy Mankind!" Everyone don't panic
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(Popular Science)
One thing you never want to hear weather forecasters say when discussing an active hurricane: "Well, that's just weird"
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Woman's cell phone listed as contact number for package delivery service Postmates, wants you to stop calling about your missing packages
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Just video of a scenic drive through a BURNING HIGHWAY of California in the middle of the night, escaping with your lives in the hellscape. (Also check out the photo gallery of before and after pics)
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(Baltimore Sun)
Photoshop these fall colors
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Don't you just hate it when skinny dippers ruin your wedding reception?
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The latest addition to the 'disasters' menu of SimPlanet 2017 is an 8.5 tonne Chinese space station in a decaying orbit
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(Kent Online)
30 years ago today, the UK was hit by its worst storm since 1703. It was a big deal for us as we just didn't get hurricanes 'round these parts, plus the bloke on the telly said we weren't getting one. Subby slept through the whole thing
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(New York Daily News)
Unite the Right organizer describes TN rally on October 28 as "a gathering of the clans like the Scots would do." Scottish tourism board rushes to explain huge differences between clan festivals and Klan rallies
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The California wildfire destroyed the home of 'Peanuts' creator Charles Schulz. Good grief
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(AZ Family)
You have to ask yourself just exactly where your life started to unravel the day you found yourself getting plastic surgery to look like more like Melania Trump
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(Vanity Fair)
Leopard breeders now feel guilty about thrusting their face-eating machine upon America and the world
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"Justice For Danny"
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(CBS8 San Diego)
"This is not normal," Thunberg said. "We have a body crammed inside a barrel, that is not normal"
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(Daily Mail)
Neckbearded hiker who was captured in Afghanistan refused to board plane to fly home. Perhaps it's because his previous wife was a suspected terrorist
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Turkey joins with Russia, Syria and Iran against U.S. backed forces. Did I mention that Turkey is a member of NATO? Well, they used to be
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"I've got a great idea for a photo op: me jumping up and down on this crumbling cliff edge"
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