Three Stories

Fiction Quim Monzó
Translated from the Catalan by Peter Bush

The nurse pushes the trolley carrying a tray with a glass of water, a pot of capsules, a thermometer and a folder into room 93, says “Good evening” and walks over to the bed of the patient who’s lying there with his eyes closed. She gives him a desultory glance, consults the clipboard  [...]

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“Each new issue feels like a public report from many individual private spheres.” —Antoine Wilson

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Issue 25



Winter 2017


Quim Monzó was born in Barcelona in 1952. He is author of four collections of stories, including A Thousand Morons (Open Letter), and several novels, including Gasoline (Open Letter). His awards include the Lletra d’Or Prize for the best book of the year, and the Catalan Writers’ Award.


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