July 25th International Day of Solidarity with Antifascist Prisoners #J25Antifa

This is the fourth anniversary of the International Day of Solidarity with Antifascist Prisoners,

Last year North London Antifa celebrated by doing this –

Check out ways and things you can do to here



 Use the hashtag #J25antifa



Twitter : @NorthLondonAF

Twitter : @nycantifa

Twitter : @NFA_AntiFascist

Facebook: No Fixed Abode Anti Fascist


A Qucik Visit to the Home Office

Last night after the Trump demo, a group turned up to protest at the operational base of the Home Office on Melior St, near Ldn Bridge. To their total surprise they found that an unknown person/group appeared to have smashed the windscreen of one of the snatch vans earlier on.

Clearly anger against immigration enforcement is even more widespread than we’d imagined. The demo expressed solidarity with migrants resisting the raids in #Chinatown this week, & anger + sorrow at the killing of a 23 yr-old Sudanese migrant in Newport #justiceformustafa

Twitter : @AntiRaids

Twitter : @HaringeyAR

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Facebook: No Fixed Abode Anti Fascist

SLAP – Squatters Of London Action Paper – Issue #8 & #9



SLAP – (Squatters of London Action Paper) is a DIY newspaper for squatters in London. It is available in print at your nerest local squat and online as a PDF. The paper combines news, pictures, analysis, events and humour and aims to strengthen connections between squatters in London in order to encourage direct actions and other forms of anarchist organising within the squat scene.

Check here to download the previous issues of S.L.A.P – https://nfaaf.wordpress.com/2017/04/26/slap-squatters-of-london-action-paper-issue-7/

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Paper copies available now from Freedom Bookshop (Whitechapel), 56a Infoshop (Elephant and Castle) and all good squat collectives.

Twitter : @NFA_AntiFascist

Facebook: No Fixed Abode Anti Fascist

Demonstration against fascism on SOAS Campus (07/02/18)


Generation Identity‘ have recently been distributing propaganda at SOAS and have made a video showing this off and were quickly removed. They are also increasingly active in the central London area. Larger in France and Holland, this ethno-nationalist group wants to use the UK as a stepping stone for building networks in the English-speaking world.

Co-opting the language of liberalism to fight for ‘white identity’, this is a racist group that sends its members to training camps in Europe where they are taught, among other things, to fight with knives and weapons. They oppose immigration and believe Islam to be a threat to whiteness – what they term ‘The Great Replacement’.

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Called by SOAS Antifa, Join the demo on Wednesday at 13:00, assembling on the steps outside SOAS to show that fascists are not welcome in our universities or anywhere else in society.


What / Who is Generation Identity

‘The History and Strategies of Antifa in Germany’ tour is coming to London


The Roots of Antifa tour is being co-organised by members of Ums… Ganze! (Germany) and Plan C (UK) and has already been in most of the UK, discussing the organisational, theoretical and strategic developments of Antifa in Germany.

 The rise of fascist movements and parties all over Europe has once again made it clear: organised antifascist resistance is necessary. In order to successfully intervene and stop fascism from spreading, it is useful to take a look at the different experiences built from movements in other countries, particularly the history of the Antifa movement which originally started in 1930’s Germany.

The speaker (a member of ums Ganze!” Bündnis has been part of antifascist initiatives and organisations for more than ten years), tries to present the major strategies, struggles, defeats, victories, splits, and theories of the Antifaschistische Aktion from 1932 to the present and bring his experience of struggles against fascism from the German context.

The Tour has already been a big sucess this month in Bristol, Birmingham, Coventry, Leicester, Nottingham, Derby, Liverpool, Leeds, Bradford, Edinburgh and Glasgow. And it will be in London this Sunday (16th Nov).

Afterwards, there will be a discussion about the lessons there are for the movement here, going forwards in 2017.

This talk is vital to attend for anyone wanting to think more about building in the UK, powerful enough to effectively combat any far-right activity.


Keep an eye on there facebook page for updates of the event in London – www.fb.com/RootsOfAntifa2

#JusticeForGrenfell Squat Fundraiser [ #NoJusticeNoSleep ]

After the Grenfell Tower atrocity, in which hundreds lost their lives, squatters held a benefit party to help those affected. The atrocity occurred after cost-cutting Kensington and Chelsea council clad the building in a cheap, flammable material in an effort to make the block look more appealing to its rich and super-rich neighbours.

Held near London Bridge in an old student hospital, two rooms out of the hundreds laying empty were packed with people enjoying the music and sounds – from ska, punk and techno to spoken word, rap and grime. The live performances were equally diverse: FRANK, The Harriman Twins, Marlaboo and The Lodgers joined artists from the Grenfell area, including Crazy Haze, Apex Zero and Le Hornet.


The night was a great success with over £560 being made. It shows that squatters can get organised quickly, take an empty building and organize events and benefits they know are important. Moreover, it shows that working-class solidarity between squatters and tenants is not only alive and kicking, but kicking middle-class charity where it hurts.

All the money will be taken to Grenfell and given directly to the local community centre and migrant centre, which has just opened up for people living around the Tower who can’t go to hospital, police or local charities for fear that they will arrest and/or deport them.

With more events in this space being organised, we will be sure to let you know when it is happening via our Twitter.

Twitter : @NFA_AntiFascist

Facebook: No Fixed Abode Anti Fascist


Lets stand together because once again the EDL are trying to take advantage of the recent terror attacks in the UK. Trying gain members and any support they can by having a march as close to the 1 year anniversary of Lee Rigby. They changed he date from the 17th June to 24th June, because I guess they couldn’t do maths and realised the 24th was closer to the actual death of Lee Rigby, which was the 22nd July.

The event has yet to post a time and route, but watch this space, it will be updated when released.

Remember it’s Central London so be careful for Spotters (fash that take your pictures and relay info back to there march), Police and CCTV. Always remember the basics and wear a mask/face covering at all times and always stay with a group you know.
More info: Green and Black Cross / Netpol

Lets do to them what happened to Britain first a few months ago when they attempted to march in London and SMASH THE FASH.

Call GBC if arrested and any squatters, homeless or travellers or people without an address get arrested a number will be released on the day on our twitter ( @NFA_Antifascists ) and FB (/NoFixedAbodeAntiFascist) and a phone number will provided for people to use and a ‘care of’ address can be used.


Twitter : @NFA_AntiFascist

Facebook: No Fixed Abode Anti Fascist

Opposing the EDL in Liverpool 3rd June and Britain First in Brimingham Cancelled

Stop the EDL in Liverpool – 3rd June


Once again the EDL are attempting to come to Liverpool, trying to divide the local community and recruit people to their fascist views.
Last time they attempted such a demonstration was in 2016 as part of the White Man March, when they were met by antifascists and locals who stopped all ten of them in the baggage department in the train station before they even made it to their meeting point. Kettled by police, the racists were escorted away, but not before some “active” opposition.

The racists were stopped before and will be again!

Update: https://www.facebook.com/events/208106066366260 FOR COACH TICKETS FROM LONDON


Britain First in Birmingham Cancelled

Paul Golding and Jayda Fransen – the so-called leaders of the far-right group Britain First – have said they are “postponing” their demonstration in Birmingham, which was due to be held on the same day as the EDL rally. Last week they both were arrested on suspicion of inciting racial hatred and were given strict bail conditions preventing them from being and organising in Birmingham and intimidating Mosque goers.
The ex-leader of the EDL, Tommy Robinson, has been seen in the company of Britain First, so we expect people who support Britain First to join the EDL march in Liverpool instead. Watch out!



Facebook: MerseysideAFN

Twitter : @NFA_AntiFascist

Facebook: No Fixed Abode Anti Fascist



Yesterday a solidarity benefit gig was held in north London to raise money for a recently imprisoned antifascist, arrested for fighting Nazis in Dover, and six anarchists in Turin, Italy on pre-trial detention (remand). It was a great success with over £800 being raised.

The night was a hip-hop night, with poets, freestyles, open-mic and live performances. The night started at a decent pace with small crowds turning-up to check out the space and hear the first performer, spoken-word artist Becky Fury. After her performance, political hip-hop artist Awate performed his latest single, Out Here, stirring up the crowd and getting them in the mood for some more hip-hop! People got up, started dancing and soon George F. ‘The Squat Poet’, Omeza, Apex Zero and others was spitting bars and free-styling as the DJ who provided some classic hip-hop – with locals, squatters, antifascists and all-night ravers dancing together.

The space was provided by Camden Homeless Solidarity, which is based in 156 Kentish Town Road, and is open on weekdays to the local neighbourhood and homeless alike and serves food and drinks, as well as a welcoming space to teach others how to squat and to hand out basic resources for anyone who might need it.

Facebook: @DeCentreLondon

Facebook: CamdenHomelessSolidarity

Twitter : @NFA_AntiFascist

Facebook: No Fixed Abode Anti Fascist

Cyclists Surround Immigration Snatch Van

Today a group of people on bicycles encircled and tailed an immigration arrest van through the streets of central London as it was on its way to carry out a raid.

This was done to alert people to the existence of these vans and their daily incursions into our neighbourhoods. It was also done to disrupt the smooth running of immigration enforcement; a machine that rounds people up, detains them indefinitely, and expels them from the country to face unknown dangers.


These raids are the point at which the whole immigration regime is at its weakest. Remember that in order to carry out raids they must come into our neighbourhoods, drive down our streets, and try to force their way into businesses and homes. It is also critical to intervene in these moments before someone is handcuffed and in the back of a van. Its also easier to stop a raid which would result in another immigration prisoner than it is to support the same person in detention or fight for their release through the courts.

Immigration officers will not carry out a raid when they know that people are following them. Previous cases have shown that even one person filming and confronting them is at times sufficient to make them give up and leave. They remember and fear a repeat of when they have been stopped by people in the communities they’ve invaded and needed rescuing from by the police.

This action is easy for many people to do. The vans are active around London at all times of day. If you see a snatch van, follow it, film the officers when they get out and show them and the people they are targeting that you won’t just let it happen in your community. You do not need to be many, and you’d be surprised at the number of friends you’ll make when people see immigration enforcement being resisted in the area.

Incidentally, showing how ubiquitous these raids are, another group reportedly confronted two Immigration Enforcement vans that they happened to spot driving down the streets in Whitechapel later the same afternoon. The officers responded aggressively, but this only attracted more attention to their presence and more support from local people for the group challenging the officers.

Direct action can stop these raids!

[Note that these vans, as well as the scumbags riding in them, are increasingly equipped with cameras]


Facebook: AntiRaids

Twitter: @AntiRaids

Twitter : @NFA_AntiFascist

Facebook: No Fixed Abode Anti Fascist

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