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Podcast: Harvey Weinstein and the media’s complicated relationship

Oct 13, 2017

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A tale of two local newspapers covering the Vegas massacre from Mesquite

LUCAS THOMAS, THE LONE REPORTER with the Desert Valley Times in Mesquite, Nevada, was in demand Monday. Once news broke that the gunman who killed at least 59 people and injured over 500 more in Las Vegas on Sunday night was...

Oct 4, 2017

First Person

Detroit’s first ‘chief storyteller’ on why his city needs an in-house journalist

I'VE WORKED AS A JOURNALIST since I was a teenager. I started with my local paper’s high school apprenticeship program, moved on to my college newspaper for four years, and ultimately working at various publications, most recently as the editor of...

Oct 11, 2017

America’s growing news deserts

America's growing news deserts

The new information environment: digital fragmentation

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