Subscribe to the Vegetarian Journal

The practical magazine for those interested in health, ecology, and ethics

Each Issue Features

  • Nutrition Hotline: answers your questions about vegetarian diets.
  • Low-fat Vegetarian Recipes: quick and easy dishes, international cuisine, and gourmet meals.
  • Natural Food Product Reviews
  • Scientific Updates: a look at the latest scientific papers relating to vegetarianism.
  • Vegetarian Action: projects by individuals and groups

The Vegetarian Journal is published by The Vegetarian Resource Group, a non-profit educational organization. The 36-page Journal contains informative articles, delicious recipes, book reviews, notices about vegetarian events, product evaluations, hints on where to find vegetarian products and services, travel tips, and more. All nutrition information in the Vegetarian Journal is based on scientific studies. Our health professionals evaluate the current scientific literature and present it in an easy and practical fashion to our readers so they can apply it to their own lives. In order to maintain an independent view, the Vegetarian Journal does not accept paid advertising.

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  • Join The Vegetarian Resource Group at the $25 membership level via our online donation form.
  • Phone (410) 366-8343 and order by phone using your Mastercard® or Visa®.
  • Print and fill out the form below, then mail it to: The Vegetarian Resource Group, PO Box 1463, Baltimore, MD 21203, or fax the form to (410) 366-8804.


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For a $30 Contributor level membership, we will send you Vegetarian Journal and a FREE COPY of the Vegan Handbook, a $19.95 value! (U.S. addresses only) This book is an invaluable resource for both novice and long-time vegetarians.

For $50.00, in addition to the Vegan Handbook, you will also receive a FREE COPY of Meatless Meals for Working People -- Quick and Easy Vegetarian Recipes.

Send check to The Vegetarian Resource Group, PO Box 1463, Baltimore, MD 21203.

What is The Vegetarian Resource Group?

The Vegetarian Resource Group (VRG) is a non-profit organization dedicated to educating the public on vegetarianism and the interrelated issues of health, nutrition, ecology, ethics, and world hunger. In addition to publishing the Vegetarian Journal, VRG produces and sells cookbooks, other books, pamphlets, and article reprints.

Our health professionals, activists, and educators work with businesses and individuals to bring about healthy changes in your school, workplace, and community. Registered dietitians and physicians aid in the development of nutrition related publications and answer member or media questions about the vegetarian diet. The Vegetarian Resource Group is a non-profit organization. Financial support comes primarily from memberships, contributions, and book sales.