Vastarinnan feminisointia ja dekoloniaalista solidaarisuutta: Naisten slummiaktivismi Etelä-Aasiassa

Valokuvan on ottanut Saara Savusalo

Saturday 25th of February in Kupoli, Mannerheimintie 5 B 7th floor

Doors open 4PM, lecture starts 4:15 PM

Postdoctoral researcher Tiina Seppälä, University of Lapland

The lecture deals with women's slum activism against development-induced displacement and slum evictions in South Asia, focusing especially on feminization of resistance and decolonial solidarity in this context. The lecture also discusses how women's slum activism can be analyzed and interpreted in the framework of anarchism, what we can learn from the women of the Global South, and how the idea and practice of decolonial feminist solidarity can be utilized in different struggles for social justice. The lecture is based on ethnographic fieldwork conducted in three countries in South Asia: Nepal, India and Bangladesh (2011–2015).


Our speakers are Finnish and international anti-authoritarian researchers and activists. Events are organized in cooperation with A-ryhmä and AutOp. You may also follow lecture online (both real-time and recording) from youtube-channel of A-ryhmä: Our program is created by the participants themselves, if you want to join or simply get in contact, write a-ryhma at 

Children are welcome to any events of A-ryhmä by default! We have now also a separate room in case children get tired of lecture. Prams can be left in the hallway on the 6th or 1st floor.

Kupoli is inaccessible space. There is one small step at the downstairs front door, and an elevator that runs between from floor 1 to 6. Kupoli is on the 7th floor after a staircase.

There are two searate, rather spacey but not wheelchair-standardized, unisex toilets. There are stairs between Kupoli and WC.



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