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The Agrarian Question in the Russian Revolution: From Material Community to Productivism, and Back

Buried under almost a century of ideology, the “Russian question”, the historical meaning of the defeat of the Russian revolution, is the question that will not go away.

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The Spanish Revolution, Past and Future: Grandeur and Poverty of Anarchism; How the Working Class Takes Over (or Doesn’t), Then and Now

The Spanish Revolution was, in light of this history, the richest and deepest social revolution of the 20th century.

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Fictitious Capital and Contracted Social Reproduction Today; China and Permanent Revolution

Once again, capital requires, in order to survive as capital, a vast devalorization of all existing values, however great the destruction of human beings and means of production which that entails.

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Notes Towards a Critique of Maoism

Maoism was part of a broader movement in the 20th century, of what might be called "bourgeois revolutions with red flags."

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Globalization of Capital, Globalization of Struggle

Whatever else may happen from now on, a new historical period has opened up, and the decades in which the grinding post-1970’s crisis were borne in silence, or sporadic uprisings were defeated in isolation, are over.

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The Sky Is Always Darkest Just Before the Dawn: Class Struggle in the U.S. from the 2008 Crash to the Eve Of the Occupations Movement

Since July of 2011, the mainstream media have been increasingly talking about a “double dip” “recession” in the U.S. But we can safely assert that for most working people, the “recession” has never ended, and is about to get worse.

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Theses for Discussion

The following theses were circulated within the Insurgent Notes collective for discussion. They expand on the programmatic points sketched in brief a year ago.

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