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Wikimedia Meta-Wiki
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New project - WikiBarCodes[edit]

Hi there. We have a new idea for Wiki sister project. Please, take a look at that (, give your opinion, and so on. I appreciate any help. Thank you in advance. The preceding unsigned comment was added by AlexandrKalaur (talk • contribs) 13:10, 14 May 2017‎ (UTC) (UTC)

Change administrator permission[edit]

Hello. I stopped my activity as of March 2017 For clean start. My previous username is Aabdullayev851 and with this username I am administrator on Azerbaijani Wiktionary. Now I want change administrator permission to my new username (Drabdullayev17). What can I do for it? --Drabdullayev17 (talk) 07:35, 14 September 2017 (UTC)

You should notify Azerbaijani Wiktionary about your desire to transfer the admin permission to the new account and then request it on SRP. Ruslik (talk) 12:21, 14 September 2017 (UTC)

Make WM a namespace alias for the Meta (NS_PROJECT) namespace on Meta-Wiki[edit]

Hello. I'm shamelessly stealing Base's idea from his long list and I'd like to propose that we request that WM be set as a namespace alias for the Meta: namespace. Currently WM: is being used as a shortcut for the Meta namespace (ie: WM:RFH), and currently we've got:

MariaDB [metawiki_p]> SELECT page_id, page_namespace, page_title FROM page WHERE page_title LIKE "WM:%";
| page_id  | page_namespace | page_title                       |
| 10131622 |              0 | WM:2FA                           |
|  2244899 |              0 | WM:4WP                           |
|    75898 |              0 | WM:A                             |
|    75897 |              0 | WM:A/C                           |
|   173414 |              0 | WM:A/R                           |
|   229578 |              0 | WM:ABOUT                         |
|   139678 |              0 | WM:ADMIN                         |
|  2328446 |              0 | WM:AGE                           |
|   118330 |              0 | WM:ALPH                          |
|   135537 |              0 | WM:AWB                           |
|   101702 |              0 | WM:B                             |
|   136145 |              0 | WM:BABEL                         |
|  2327395 |              0 | WM:BIRTHDAY                      |
|   278933 |              0 | WM:BM                            |
|   101249 |              0 | WM:Birthday                      |
|   598528 |              0 | WM:CEEM                          |
|   601137 |              0 | WM:CEEWiki                       |
|   101713 |              0 | WM:CHU                           |
|  2229053 |              0 | WM:CNA                           |
| 10208286 |              0 | WM:CPP                           |
|    54475 |              0 | WM:CSD                           |
|  1194372 |              0 | WM:CU                            |
|   255501 |              0 | WM:DEL                           |
|    43926 |              0 | WM:DP                            |
|  2279924 |              0 | WM:EDP                           |
|   139132 |              0 | WM:FORUM                         |
|  2244901 |              0 | WM:FORWP                         |
|    59283 |              0 | WM:FRKO                          |
|   188720 |              0 | WM:FU                            |
|   163003 |              0 | WM:GR                            |
| 10426046 |              0 | WM:GR/I                          |
|    43886 |              0 | WM:H                             |
|    47697 |              0 | WM:HELP                          |
|    51130 |              0 | WM:I                             |
|    58438 |              0 | WM:I/D                           |
|    46924 |              0 | WM:I/RP                          |
|  3669614 |              0 | WM:I/he                          |
| 10186604 |              0 | WM:I/zh                          |
|    51129 |              0 | WM:IAS                           |
|    74195 |              0 | WM:IP                            |
|  8772240 |              0 | WM:IPBE                          |
|  2267438 |              0 | WM:IR2013                        |
|    47663 |              0 | WM:IRP                           |
|    86621 |              0 | WM:IW-WIKT                       |
|  1267848 |              0 | WM:LGBT                          |
|    63683 |              0 | WM:LPP                           |
|    51656 |              0 | WM:LS                            |
|   278937 |              0 | WM:M                             |
|  1532595 |              0 | WM:MED                           |
|  2994963 |              0 | WM:MMS                           |
| 10302180 |              0 | WM:MOREMENU                      |
|    64090 |              0 | WM:MSF                           |
|   133629 |              0 | WM:MSR                           |
|    41964 |              0 | WM:NOP                           |
|    54871 |              0 | WM:NOT                           |
|    72569 |              0 | WM:NPA                           |
|  8772263 |              0 | WM:OM                            |
|    41605 |              0 | WM:OP                            |
|    41967 |              0 | WM:OP/B                          |
|    45920 |              0 | WM:OP/H                          |
|    41607 |              0 | WM:OP/blacklist                  |
|    41606 |              0 | WM:OP/help                       |
|   179559 |              0 | WM:OPD                           |
|  1063718 |              0 | WM:OS                            |
|    88371 |              0 | WM:PAE                           |
|    51343 |              0 | WM:PAG                           |
| 10052896 |              0 | WM:PAGEVIEWS                     |
|    76476 |              0 | WM:PCBP                          |
|    44265 |              0 | WM:PCP                           |
|    47710 |              0 | WM:PF                            |
|    61978 |              0 | WM:PIE                           |
| 10248387 |              0 | WM:POTHI                         |
|    43883 |              0 | WM:PPM                           |
|    44456 |              0 | WM:PPM/2006                      |
|    60932 |              0 | WM:PUB                           |
|  2244495 |              0 | WM:R                             |
|   126081 |              0 | WM:RADIO                         |
|    43706 |              0 | WM:RFA                           |
|  4580127 |              0 | WM:RFAA                          |
|  6553027 |              0 | WM:RFC                           |
|    85334 |              0 | WM:RFCU                          |
|    43831 |              0 | WM:RFD                           |
|    44403 |              0 | WM:RFD/2003                      |
|    44378 |              0 | WM:RFD/2005                      |
|    44376 |              0 | WM:RFD/2006                      |
|    69963 |              0 | WM:RFD/2007                      |
|   130131 |              0 | WM:RFGP                          |
|    68728 |              0 | WM:RFH                           |
|  9977809 |              0 | WM:RFL                           |
|    46867 |              0 | WM:RFU                           |
|   588731 |              0 | WM:RfD                           |
|    75465 |              0 | WM:SALT                          |
|    79301 |              0 | WM:SAND                          |
|    43829 |              0 | WM:SB                            |
|   153705 |              0 | WM:SBL                           |
|   134247 |              0 | WM:SGP                           |
|    71708 |              0 | WM:SMW                           |
|    54879 |              0 | WM:SPAM                          |
| 10426050 |              0 | WM:STRAT2017                     |
| 10426049 |              0 | WM:STRAT2017/BAAU                |
|   939168 |              0 | WM:TA                            |
|   117751 |              0 | WM:TBL                           |
|    89014 |              0 | WM:TEMP                          |
| 10172057 |              0 | WM:TEMP/zh                       |
|   633917 |              0 | WM:TEST                          |
|    22487 |              0 | WM:TOTW                          |
|    89016 |              0 | WM:UC                            |
|  7486345 |              0 | WM:URB                           |
|    44981 |              0 | WM:VIE                           |
|  7486338 |              0 | WM:VN                            |
|  2234099 |              0 | WM:WIKINEWSIE                    |
| 10107197 |              0 | WM:WISHLIST2016                  |
| 10121391 |              0 | WM:WISHLIST2016/Category_button  |
| 10124257 |              0 | WM:WISHLIST2016/Heading          |
| 10107199 |              0 | WM:WISHLIST2016/Proposal_button  |
| 10107247 |              0 | WM:WISHLIST2016/Proposal_section |
|    44979 |              0 | WM:WM                            |
|   598383 |              0 | WM:WMDEBUDGET                    |
|  1246226 |              0 | WM:WMMED                         |
|    71671 |              0 | WM:БОПС                          |
|  7731371 |              1 | WM:I/D                           |
121 rows in set (4.53 sec)

What's your opinion? Regards, —MarcoAurelio (talk) 21:17, 20 September 2017 (UTC)

  • Thanks for starting this, it would take ages for me to get to this. I definitely Support Support the change. See also quarry:/query/21730 — some things such as CAT, H, and T suggest that we might need more aliases. At least H and CAT are the ones I would support. T redirects are now used for Talk but it is counter-intuitive for me, I though it would be Template. Alas, I do not have a good solution for many other things the query returns, e.g. ヘルプ or Ndihmë. --Base (talk) 01:58, 21 September 2017 (UTC)
  • "WM" is a weird prefix and I don't understand its value. This wiki is Meta-Wiki, which would traditionally be "mw:", but that's used for, of course. "WM" much more naturally conveys "Wikimedia"; shortening "Meta" or "Meta-Wiki" to "WM" feels pretty strange and wrong to me. In many cases, the "WM:" prefix isn't actually pointing to the "Meta" meta-namespace here. For example, WM:FORUM goes to Wikimedia Forum, which is in the main namespace. "meta:" and "m:" are already both globally valid prefixes for Meta-Wiki, so I'm not sure I see the point of these "WM:" links at all. Where are they useful? Instead of WM:2FA, for example, you could write 2FA or m:2FA and both would be shorter. Same with WM:RFH; RFH and m:RFH are both shorter. --MZMcBride (talk) 03:28, 21 September 2017 (UTC)
    I think WM: stands for Wikimedia Meta-Wiki or Wikimedia Meta. WMW: could be used too, but I'm not sure. —MarcoAurelio (talk) 10:18, 21 September 2017 (UTC)
    The idea of namespaces is there could exist "Admins", "Meta:Admins", "Template:Admins" and those would be three different pages with different semantic meaning. For instance for the Template ns the parser knows that it is the page there that the {{}} syntax is to embed something from unless otherwise specified. Perfectly there should not be cross-links between them. It is not a big deal on this wiki, with no article namespace, so RFH can stay, but normally shortcuts are kept in the same ns as the target page. We have various places in the interfaces (GUI, API or database end-points) where you could filter things by ns and it is very unsettling when things work contrary to how they should. For instance ns mess does hinder MassMessage in some wikis as mentioned in the thread linked. While this particular problem is not applicable to what is in question here, there always can randomly appear unexpected different problems. --Base (talk) 11:38, 22 September 2017 (UTC)
    I understand the value of both namespaces and namespace aliases. In this case, I'm not sure why anyone is using "WM:" or why it would be a good idea to encourage its use. At most, it's saving two characters ("WM:" instead of "Meta:"), but it's doing so by using a really confusing and unintuitive abbreviation. --MZMcBride (talk) 12:59, 22 September 2017 (UTC)
    I think it is habitual thing. Most of us are Wikipedians and we are used that project namespace pages have WP:XY shortcuts. Some come from WQ and are used to WQ alias for ns4 and so on. WM as Wiki-Meta or Wikimedia Meta-wiki fits well into this (While Commons with COM doesn't but Commons also was the last one to acquire a sane interwiki prefix so it is a different story). But no matter how we ended up having those shortcuts I think it is a good idea to have them organised now, we cannot just get rid of them and brake all the links used for over a decade. --Base (talk) 10:49, 23 September 2017 (UTC)
  • I don't see a need for such an alias. --MF-W 23:21, 23 September 2017 (UTC)

Here's a better report:

MariaDB [metawiki_p]> select page_id, page_namespace as ns, page_title, (select count(*) from pagelinks where pl_title = page_title and pl_namespace = page_namespace) as links, rd_namespace as ns, rd_title from page join redirect on rd_from = page_id where page_title like 'WM:%';
| page_id  | ns | page_title                       | links | ns | rd_title                                                                                           |
| 10107197 |  0 | WM:WISHLIST2016                  |     0 |  0 | 2016_Community_Wishlist_Survey                                                                     |
| 10121391 |  0 | WM:WISHLIST2016/Category_button  |     0 |  0 | 2016_Community_Wishlist_Survey/Category_button                                                     |
| 10124257 |  0 | WM:WISHLIST2016/Heading          |     0 |  0 | 2016_Community_Wishlist_Survey/Heading                                                             |
| 10107199 |  0 | WM:WISHLIST2016/Proposal_button  |     0 |  0 | 2016_Community_Wishlist_Survey/Proposal_button                                                     |
| 10107247 |  0 | WM:WISHLIST2016/Proposal_section |     0 |  0 | 2016_Community_Wishlist_Survey/Proposal_section                                                    |
|   135537 |  0 | WM:AWB                           |     0 |  0 | AutoWikiBrowser                                                                                    |
|   163003 |  0 | WM:GR                            |     0 |  0 | Global_Reach                                                                                       |
| 10426046 |  0 | WM:GR/I                          |     0 |  0 | Global_Reach/Insights                                                                              |
|    63683 |  0 | WM:LPP                           |   119 |  0 | Language_proposal_policy                                                                           |
|  2328446 |  0 | WM:AGE                           |     1 |  0 | List_of_Wikimedians_by_age                                                                         |
|   101249 |  0 | WM:Birthday                      |     0 |  0 | List_of_Wikimedians_by_birthday                                                                    |
|  2327395 |  0 | WM:BIRTHDAY                      |     1 |  0 | List_of_Wikimedians_by_birthday                                                                    |
|    64090 |  0 | WM:MSF                           |     0 |  0 | MathStatFunctions                                                                                  |
| 10302180 |  0 | WM:MOREMENU                      |     0 |  0 | MoreMenu                                                                                           |
|    41964 |  0 | WM:NOP                           |    59 |  0 | No_open_proxies                                                                                    |
|    71671 |  0 | WM:БОПС                          |     0 |  0 | No_open_proxies/bg                                                                                 |
|    72569 |  0 | WM:NPA                           |     0 |  0 | No_open_proxies/it                                                                                 |
| 10052896 |  0 | WM:PAGEVIEWS                     |     0 |  0 | Pageviews_Analysis                                                                                 |
|    44981 |  0 | WM:VIE                           |     1 |  0 | Polls_are_evil                                                                                     |
|    61978 |  0 | WM:PIE                           |     7 |  0 | Polls_are_evil                                                                                     |
|    76476 |  0 | WM:PCBP                          |     1 |  0 | Polls_are_evil                                                                                     |
|    88371 |  0 | WM:PAE                           |     5 |  0 | Polls_are_evil                                                                                     |
|    44265 |  0 | WM:PCP                           |    13 |  0 | Proposals_for_closing_projects                                                                     |
|    86621 |  0 | WM:IW-WIKT                       |     0 |  0 | Pywikibot/                                         |
|  9977809 |  0 | WM:RFL                           |     0 |  0 | Requests_for_new_languages                                                                         |
|    71708 |  0 | WM:SMW                           |     0 |  0 | Semantic_MediaWiki                                                                                 |
|   134247 |  0 | WM:SGP                           |    29 |  0 | Special_global_permissions                                                                         |
|   130131 |  0 | WM:RFGP                          |     0 |  0 | Steward_requests/Global_permissions                                                                |
| 10426050 |  0 | WM:STRAT2017                     |     0 |  0 | Strategy/Wikimedia_movement/2017                                                                   |
| 10426049 |  0 | WM:STRAT2017/BAAU                |     0 |  0 | Strategy/Wikimedia_movement/2017/Sources/Brand_awareness,_attitudes,_and_usage_-_Executive_Summary |
|  2234099 |  0 | WM:WIKINEWSIE                    |    58 |  0 | The_Wikinewsie_Group                                                                               |
|    22487 |  0 | WM:TOTW                          |    40 |  0 | Translation_of_the_week                                                                            |
|    41605 |  0 | WM:OP                            |    22 |  0 | WikiProject_on_open_proxies                                                                        |
|    41607 |  0 | WM:OP/blacklist                  |     1 |  0 | WikiProject_on_open_proxies/Blacklist                                                              |
|    41967 |  0 | WM:OP/B                          |     7 |  0 | WikiProject_on_open_proxies/Blacklist                                                              |
|    41606 |  0 | WM:OP/help                       |     1 |  0 | WikiProject_on_open_proxies/Help:blocked                                                           |
|    45920 |  0 | WM:OP/H                          |     4 |  0 | WikiProject_on_open_proxies/Help:blocked                                                           |
|  1246226 |  0 | WM:WMMED                         |    34 |  0 | Wiki_Project_Med                                                                                   |
|  1532595 |  0 | WM:MED                           |     0 |  0 | Wiki_Project_Med                                                                                   |
|   598528 |  0 | WM:CEEM                          |     1 |  0 | Wikimedia_CEE_Meeting                                                                              |
|   601137 |  0 | WM:CEEWiki                       |     0 |  0 | Wikimedia_Central_and_Eastern_Europe                                                               |
|   598383 |  0 | WM:WMDEBUDGET                    |     0 |  0 | Wikimedia_Deutschland/Budget_2011                                                                  |
|    60932 |  0 | WM:PUB                           |     0 |  0 | Wikimedia_Forum                                                                                    |
|   139132 |  0 | WM:FORUM                         |     5 |  0 | Wikimedia_Forum                                                                                    |
|   278933 |  0 | WM:BM                            |     1 |  0 | Wikimedia_Foundation_board_meetings                                                                |
|  1267848 |  0 | WM:LGBT                          |    75 |  0 | Wikimedia_LGBT+/Portal                                                                             |
|   126081 |  0 | WM:RADIO                         |     1 |  0 | Wikimedia_Radio                                                                                    |
|   278937 |  0 | WM:M                             |     1 |  0 | Wikimedia_meetings                                                                                 |
|  2244495 |  0 | WM:R                             |     1 |  0 | Wikimedia_resolutions                                                                              |
|    54879 |  0 | WM:SPAM                          |    83 |  1 | Spam_blacklist                                                                                     |
|   153705 |  0 | WM:SBL                           |    12 |  1 | Spam_blacklist                                                                                     |
|   117751 |  0 | WM:TBL                           |    10 |  1 | Title_blacklist                                                                                    |
|   229578 |  0 | WM:ABOUT                         |     1 |  4 | About                                                                                              |
|    75898 |  0 | WM:A                             |    79 |  4 | Administrators                                                                                     |
|   139678 |  0 | WM:ADMIN                         |     0 |  4 | Administrators                                                                                     |
|   173414 |  0 | WM:A/R                           |     1 |  4 | Administrators/Removal                                                                             |
|    75897 |  0 | WM:A/C                           |     1 |  4 | Administrators/confirm                                                                             |
|   136145 |  0 | WM:BABEL                         |     1 |  4 | Babel                                                                                              |
|   101702 |  0 | WM:B                             |    31 |  4 | Bureaucrats                                                                                        |
|  2229053 |  0 | WM:CNA                           |    30 |  4 | Central_notice_administrators                                                                      |
|   101713 |  0 | WM:CHU                           |    14 |  4 | Changing_username                                                                                  |
|  1194372 |  0 | WM:CU                            |     1 |  4 | CheckUsers                                                                                         |
| 10208286 |  0 | WM:CPP                           |     1 |  4 | Child_protection_policy                                                                            |
|    43926 |  0 | WM:DP                            |    72 |  4 | Deletion_policy                                                                                    |
|    54475 |  0 | WM:CSD                           |    69 |  4 | Deletion_policy                                                                                    |
|    58438 |  0 | WM:I/D                           |    83 |  4 | Discussion_pages                                                                                   |
|   188720 |  0 | WM:FU                            |     3 |  4 | Fair_use                                                                                           |
|  2279924 |  0 | WM:EDP                           |     1 |  4 | Fair_use                                                                                           |
|  2244899 |  0 | WM:4WP                           |     7 |  4 | For_Wikipedians                                                                                    |
|  2244901 |  0 | WM:FORWP                         |     1 |  4 | For_Wikipedians                                                                                    |
|    43886 |  0 | WM:H                             |    14 |  4 | Historical                                                                                         |
|  8772240 |  0 | WM:IPBE                          |    25 |  4 | IP_block_exemption                                                                                 |
|    74195 |  0 | WM:IP                            |   268 |  4 | Inclusion_policy                                                                                   |
|    51130 |  0 | WM:I                             |    36 |  4 | Index                                                                                              |
|  3669614 |  0 | WM:I/he                          |     1 |  4 | Index/he                                                                                           |
| 10186604 |  0 | WM:I/zh                          |     1 |  4 | Index/zh                                                                                           |
|    51129 |  0 | WM:IAS                           |    37 |  4 | Information_and_statistics                                                                         |
|    51656 |  0 | WM:LS                            |    34 |  4 | Language_select                                                                                    |
|  2994963 |  0 | WM:MMS                           |    26 |  4 | MassMessage_senders                                                                                |
|  8772263 |  0 | WM:OM                            |     7 |  4 | MetaProject_to_overhaul_Meta                                                                       |
|  2267438 |  0 | WM:IR2013                        |     2 |  4 | MetaProject_to_overhaul_Meta/Image_review_2013                                                     |
|   133629 |  0 | WM:MSR                           |    40 |  4 | Meta–steward_relationship                                                                          |
|   179559 |  0 | WM:OPD                           |     2 |  4 | Open_proxy_detection                                                                               |
|  1063718 |  0 | WM:OS                            |    24 |  4 | Oversighters                                                                                       |
|    51343 |  0 | WM:PAG                           |   135 |  4 | Policies_and_guidelines                                                                            |
|    43883 |  0 | WM:PPM                           |    12 |  4 | Proposed_page_moves                                                                                |
|    44456 |  0 | WM:PPM/2006                      |    10 |  4 | Proposed_page_moves/Archives/2006                                                                  |
|    75465 |  0 | WM:SALT                          |     4 |  4 | Protected_against_recreation                                                                       |
|    46924 |  0 | WM:I/RP                          |   133 |  4 | Requests_and_proposals                                                                             |
|    47663 |  0 | WM:IRP                           |   115 |  4 | Requests_and_proposals                                                                             |
|    85334 |  0 | WM:RFCU                          |     1 |  4 | Requests_for_CheckUser_information                                                                 |
|    43706 |  0 | WM:RFA                           |    44 |  4 | Requests_for_adminship                                                                             |
|  4580127 |  0 | WM:RFAA                          |     0 |  4 | Requests_for_adminship/Archives                                                                    |
|  6553027 |  0 | WM:RFC                           |    21 |  4 | Requests_for_comment                                                                               |
|    43831 |  0 | WM:RFD                           |   122 |  4 | Requests_for_deletion                                                                              |
|    46867 |  0 | WM:RFU                           |     4 |  4 | Requests_for_deletion                                                                              |
|   255501 |  0 | WM:DEL                           |     0 |  4 | Requests_for_deletion                                                                              |
|   588731 |  0 | WM:RfD                           |     0 |  4 | Requests_for_deletion                                                                              |
|    44403 |  0 | WM:RFD/2003                      |    11 |  4 | Requests_for_deletion/Archives/2003                                                                |
|    44378 |  0 | WM:RFD/2005                      |     1 |  4 | Requests_for_deletion/Archives/2005                                                                |
|    44376 |  0 | WM:RFD/2006                      |    19 |  4 | Requests_for_deletion/Archives/2006                                                                |
|    69963 |  0 | WM:RFD/2007                      |     1 |  4 | Requests_for_deletion/Archives/2007                                                                |
|    68728 |  0 | WM:RFH                           |   170 |  4 | Requests_for_help_from_a_sysop_or_bureaucrat                                                       |
|    43829 |  0 | WM:SB                            |    80 |  4 | Sandbox                                                                                            |
|    79301 |  0 | WM:SAND                          |     0 |  4 | Sandbox                                                                                            |
|   633917 |  0 | WM:TEST                          |     0 |  4 | Sandbox                                                                                            |
|    44979 |  0 | WM:WM                            |     1 |  4 | Shortcut                                                                                           |
|   939168 |  0 | WM:TA                            |    38 |  4 | Translation_administrators                                                                         |
|  7486345 |  0 | WM:URB                           |     4 |  4 | Urbanity                                                                                           |
|  7486338 |  0 | WM:VN                            |     2 |  4 | Vandalism                                                                                          |
|    54871 |  0 | WM:NOT                           |    23 |  4 | What_Meta_is_not                                                                                   |
| 10248387 |  0 | WM:POTHI                         |     1 |  4 | Wikisource:WikiProject_Pothi                                                                       |
|   118330 |  0 | WM:ALPH                          |     0 | 12 | Alphabetic_order                                                                                   |
|    47697 |  0 | WM:HELP                          |     6 | 12 | MediaWiki_help_policy                                                                              |
|    47710 |  0 | WM:PF                            |     3 | 12 | ParserFunctions                                                                                    |
|    59283 |  0 | WM:FRKO                          |     0 | 12 | ParserFunctions/sl                                                                                 |
|    89014 |  0 | WM:TEMP                          |     0 | 12 | Template                                                                                           |
| 10172057 |  0 | WM:TEMP/zh                       |     0 | 12 | Template/zh                                                                                        |
|    89016 |  0 | WM:UC                            |     0 | 12 | User_contributions                                                                                 |
119 rows in set (0.14 sec)

Many "WM:" pages do not point to the Meta namespace and many have zero incoming links. --MZMcBride (talk) 21:31, 24 September 2017 (UTC)

That is indeed interesting report. I will only point out that zero links does not necessary mean zero links as there is a very high possibility of links being located on other Wikimedia projects or elsewhere. Or on Meta itself but in edit summaries and such. --Base (talk) 21:57, 24 September 2017 (UTC)
I wouldn't do this. I do understand the point. But WM can mean so many different things that I think it would just be confusing. StevenJ81 (talk) 18:48, 25 September 2017 (UTC)

New userboxes: Template:User Slovakia and Template:User EU[edit]

Hello! I created new userboxes: Template:User Slovakia and Template:User EU. If you want, you can use them. --MDsmajlik (talk, contributions) 18:33, 23 September 2017 (UTC)