Thank you for a Decade of Cute!

Dearest Cute Overload Peeps,

It’s hard to believe that Cute Overload has chronicled and celebrated over ten years of the most anerable, prosh, sweetest ani-pals and commentary. It’s been over ten years, with hundreds of thousands of comments, millions of page views, thousands of photos, countless awards, including five Webbys, and of course, hilarious captioning from Brinke, Mike, Pyrit, Prongs, Theo, Lisadorable, Chief Sister Officer, and Sparkster. But most of all, it’s always been about you, the faithful Cute Overload community. You made the site what it is, the best place to enjoy, barf rainbows and feel TEH QTE.

Today is our last day, and our last post. The time has come to say thank you to you all, our dear Peeps, and everyone that has worked so hard to make Cute Overload a decade of laughter, outraaaageous vocabulary, and endless squeals of delight. Your submeeshons over the years have given us great joy. And ‘tocks.

42bc036e46e29_3-4310-_tphqSo why are we shutting down? Or giving up?! (kitten at left.) The landscape has changed for us over the last few years, personally and professionally. We’ve had two wonderful kids join Chief Puppy Officer in our home! At the same time, blogs like us that rely on advertising have struggled. You know we have downsized. We feel it’s time to say goodbye, and celebrate the tewtelly adorbs times we had, and not continue to cut back or change quality. We want to remember Cute Overload as the juggernaut that brought you joy. The brand, audience and content should be respected. Sure, there are a lot of ways to shut down or sell—whatever—we’ve considered it all, for a long time, and this is the way we’d like to go. We have a great copyrighted name, and may be back in some form at a later date, we’ll see.

We want to thank our tireless vendors WordPress VIP, The fine folks at BlogAds, the good people over at Workman Publishing, Google ads, and Cute Labs.

We’d like to encourage you to link to your favorite post in the comments. What was your favorite C.O. moment in the last decade? Favorite commentroversy? Favorite caption? Favorite glossary term or rule of Cuteness? We’d love to know. See you there.

Thank you, Everyone. It’s been redonk.

Love always,

– Meg

P.S. OMGPONIES!!!!1!1!1111!!!



♬ One More For The Road ♫

It’s quarter to three
There’s no one in the place, except you and me
So set ’em’ up Joe, I’ve got a little story, you oughta know
We’re drinking my friend to the end of a brief episode
Make it one for my baby
And one more for the road


“Hey Honey? Did You Get The Cat Chow At The Store?”

“Could you bring it in here? Quickly?

~ ~ ~

A very….concerned Dimitri, from Doug & Sowmya in Winnipeg.

Bobblin’ -N- Wobblin’

If I could do anything and be anywhere this second- it would probably be at the Toronto Zoo gettin’ some snorgle time with this two-month old PB. Although they say the weather in Maui is nice this time of year, too.

But they don’t have Bebeh Polar Bears.

(Story spotted on Mashable.)

THANK You, Frito!

“My wife made our Boston Terrier Frito a matching bed and shirt. Enjoy.” -Ryan S.

Bunday: NYC Buns




[*Note: Wasn’t there a TV show with this name? Hill Street Buns? NYPD Bun? Memory not what it once was….-Ed.]

Y’all Got Any Fish In There?

[Lemme…just…..haaaauuuuuuuulllll me-self up on board SPLAT ah there we go. Wow, I could lose a few pounds. No more In-N-Out-shakes for me. For at least a week. OK, who’s got the grub?]

(Tastefully Offensive.)

Bunday Morning Quokka!

We really should have more Quokkas on C.O. There is absolutely NO downside to this. Gotta work on that. (Imgur/Reddit.)

Dude, Where’s My Peanut?

This little maniac stops by this house every morning for his Daily Peanut. Boy, if he could only visit OUR backyard. A daily feeding frenzy.

(Tastefully Offensive.)

Bunday Morning Comix

By Liz Climo. ©Liz Climo.