The Mailer in Question

Protect Our Children 2

In the comments thread under the recent editorial (“Examining the myths about low-barrier shelter” 10/30/13), I made reference to “mailers like the garbage most of us received yesterday”. Many people…


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On a recent pleasantly sunny day, cold but clear, Erik wanted to play his drums. But staying home was boring, and downtown had too many people. So Erik packed his…

Oly Lowlife 12-4-13

Date/Time: 10/18/2013, 07:30 Hours Location: Sem II Coffee Shop, The Evergreen State College Incident: Ye Cutters Be Warned When a campus coffee shop offered free breakfast sandwiches for one year…

C&C Astrology* Factory

C&C Astrology* Factory (Correlation & Causation) When god, free will, and happenstance are busy, they call me: John Swamini**   * Sylvia Brown can’t hurt you anymore ** Batting next:…

Oly Lowlife 11-13-13

  Date/Time: 10/24/2013, 01:23 Hours Location: 1000 Block Division St, Olympia Incident: Calling Tom Sawyer, and a Lawyer Two young men who were furiously working to dismantle a wood plank…

Oly Lowlife 10-30-13

Date/Time: 10/04/2013, 18:56 Hours Location: Greenery, The Evergreen State College Incident: OPaL’s and Ba-No-No’s A student in a skeleton sweatshirt went to the Greenery cafeteria at The Evergreen State College…

C&C Astrology* Factory

(Correlation & Causation) When god, free will, and happenstance are busy, they call me: John Swamini** Aries (Mar 21-Apr 19) Have you been enjoying your game of emotional hopscotch? All…