Alas, the experiment ends

June 1, 2012


I’ve mentioned in “About this blog” that this is an experiment, not a “real” news media outlet. The primary goals have been to learn the basics about blogging while getting unstuck from a massive case of writer’s block. After almost 300 posts I feel like I’ve got my writing juices flowing again. Perhaps just as […]

QUOTE: Negativity and community

May 31, 2012


“We build an identity for ourselves in our communities. And just as we don’t like to leave our community, we also don’t like to lose our identity. A food critic who builds her identity around nasty, negative reviews, and gets lots of attention because of them, is always going to need to find terrible restaurants […]

Knowing when to leave

May 30, 2012


I checked out George Barner’s Facebook page tonight to see if he had yet posted an explanation for why he filed at the 11th hour to run for county commission. So far nothing. That strikes me as strange for a serious candidate. So what’s up with George? One theory is that he needs a gig. […]

Library proposal needs to show vision

May 30, 2012


Since we’ve been talking about libraries I should mention that Friends of the Olympia Library is holding a meeting Thursday, June 7 to discuss ideas for a new library. To spur the discussion, links are provided to 2007 survey results and staff suggestions. May I be honest? I’m concerned that library champions will push ahead with […]

What’s at the top of your web reading list?

May 29, 2012


It struck me when checking out one of Tom Hyde’s links that he may have a pretty different list of media-oriented sites than what I frequent. So I asked if he’d be willing to share more of his favorites. I suspect that other Olympia Views readers may have interesting reading sources that many of the […]

Posted in: Media

Thanks for great discussions this weekend

May 28, 2012


A heads up to those of you who receive Olympia Views postings via email that we have had a number of interesting conversations going this weekend. For example: Emmett O’Connell points out that even a weak Republican county commission candidate could make it into the general election against Cathy Wolfe if Republican voters hang together while […]

Posted in: Housekeeping

QUOTE: They kill well

May 28, 2012


“What’s clear is that an Obama victory could have profound political implications for the future of the Democratic Party. When 44 arrived in office, some forecast that he might usher in a New New Deal. (Nope.) But if he gains reelection by consolidating his party’s position with the electorate’s ascendant demographic forces, Obama may succeed […]

Posted in: National politics, Quote

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