1. “Day by day, what you choose, what you think, and what you do is who you become.” — Heraclitus 

    Read Rise Resist


  2. Gems from Ursula K. Le Guin

    On social media:

    My sense of what constitutes community and engagement, and my desire for it, are barely fulfilled by social media. So I write letters — on email. And am grateful for it. I can keep up a connection with people I won’t ever see again, or haven’t even met, and the connection is real and satisfying.

    On changes in genre fiction:

    The “genres” of science fiction and fantasy have become a whole lot more diverse than they were 10 years ago. And about time too!  

    The other changes are higher literary standards in the genres, and above all the understanding by readers, reviewers, critics, and academics that imaginative fiction is literature… Ignorant prejudice is tough to uproot, but you can do it if you stick with the job. 

    On politics:

    If I had no hope, I‘d be dead. 

    On writing:

    The way a carpenter thinks about the join he is making, or a potter thinks about the pot she is throwing. It isn’t exactly thinking at all. It’s being in what you’re doing.

  3. “Part of being a good writer is knowing how to recognize the right accident.” - Nicole Krauss

  4. Pax by Sara Pennypacker, Jon Klassen

  5. Start your week with some previously unpublished Vonnegut

  6. It’s Banned Books Week! How are you celebrating?

  8. Based on this cover, what would you title this book? Also, what is the plot?

  9. What are you reading this weekend?
