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Oct 12, 2017

Oct 11, 2017

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  1. Space Exploration:

    DOE Could Improve Planning and Communication Related to Plutonium-238 and Radioisotope Power Systems Production Challenges
    GAO-17-673: Published: Oct 4, 2017. Publicly Released: Oct 4, 2017.
  2. Physical Security:

    NIST and Commerce Need to Complete Efforts to Address Persistent Challenges
    GAO-18-95: Published: Oct 11, 2017. Publicly Released: Oct 11, 2017.
  3. Biodefense:

    Federal Efforts to Develop Biological Threat Awareness
    GAO-18-155: Published: Oct 11, 2017. Publicly Released: Oct 11, 2017.
  4. Whistleblower Protection:

    Opportunities Exist for DOD to Improve the Timeliness and Quality of Civilian and Contractor Reprisal Investigations
    GAO-17-506: Published: Oct 10, 2017. Publicly Released: Oct 10, 2017.
  5. Physical Security:

    NIST and Commerce Need to Complete Efforts to Address Challenges
    GAO-18-167T: Published: Oct 11, 2017. Publicly Released: Oct 11, 2017.