Communist Party of Great Britain
Towards a Communist Party of the EU  |

Communist University 2017

Saturday August 12 – 19, central London

Sponsored by CPGB and Labour Party Marxists

Click here to download the timetable (latest update August 14). Please note that we had to reschedule Hillel Ticktin's sessions - he is now speaking on Tuesday and Wednesday morning. 

1917-2017: 100 years since the Russian Revolution

Communist University is the jointly sponsored school of Labour Party Marxists and the Communist Party of Great Britain. It’s different to other ‘educationals’ organised by left groups – most of which resemble student trade fairs rather than forums for open, critical and robust debate.

And ‘robust’ is the word. There are often sharp clashes of opinion. This year, many sessions and debates will focus on the 100th anniversary of the Russian Revolution: what went wrong, what was admirable and, crucially, what can we learn from it. Plenty of room for dispute and dissent on that thorny issue, of course.

At the same time, the participatory aspects of CU are very important to us. A robust collectivism is the order of the day, with all participants helping with food preparation, care and maintenance of the venue, chairing and generally making the thing run on the rails. Come the evenings, we drink, eat, sometimes carry over the discussions from the day’s session. Or just drink and eat – there are no standing orders for comrades’ leisure time …

Many comrades who attend dub CU the highlight of their political year. Why don’t you come along this year?

Videos from CU 2016 (with Norman Finkelstein) are available on Youtube.

Confirmed speakers include:


Goldsmith’s University, St. James Garden Room (Loring Hall), entrance on St James, London SE14 6NW - it's a bit tricky to find, so please see this map. Nearest station: New Cross Gate.

Residential places:

Please note that residential places are limited. Accommodation is in single ensuite rooms in Goldsmith University’s Loring Hall.

▪ Full week - £250 (£150 unwaged). Solidarity price - £300.

▪ First/final weekend, including one night’s accommodation - £60 (£30).

Reserve your place now by paying at least £30 deposit (click here for payment options). Please also send an email to

Day visitors:

▪ Full week, no accommodation - £60 (£30)

▪ Day - £10 (£5) Single session - £5 (£3).

Please let us know you are coming, so we can put your name down at university security, which will speed things up for everybody - please email