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Posts für Suchanfrage WUTENTBRANNT werden nach Relevanz sortiert angezeigt. Nach Datum sortieren Alle Posts anzeigen

Montag, 7. Juli 2008


here´s the WUTENTBRANNT / SUBKUTAN split 7" for your listening pleasure. the tracks of WUTENTBRANNT were recorded in their rehearsal room with just 2 mics somewhere in the room. so the quality is a little rough but still ok. music-wise you get fierce CRUST with dual vox. played by people who were in bands like REVENGE, REVOLTE, QUATTRO STAGIONI, BOOT DOWN THE DOOR, CRUSHED BY ALE, DOOMTOWN, MÖNSTER and some others while they were playing in WUTENTBRANNT or after WUTENTBRANNT called it a day!. SUBKUTAN were based on the other side of Germany. rough sound quality too! music-wise this is fast PUNK!

Freitag, 15. August 2008


I saw WUTENTBRANNT, way back then called OFFER RESISTANCE, open for REVENGE & MIOZÄN and really liked them! they really raged! sad but true WUTENTBRANNT haven´t left much information! there was this 9 song tape that was recorded in their rehearsal room, but then their original guitarplayer moved to hamburg and they didn´t practice for such a long time that even the people in the band couldn´t remember all titles! somehow they didn´t manage to get someone to replace her for ages! finally the guitarist of D.S.G. took over the part and they started to play live again. I saw every concert they did with the new line up except 3 and every single show was great. I still can´t understand why someone like Emil drops out of everything he once considered important to follow the shady "spiritual" advises of Maharishi Mahesh Yogi of Transcendental Meditation. the tracks on the split 7" with SUBKUTAN and the tracks on the 3 AKKORDE FÜR DIE FREIHEIT 7" comp. have been taken from this tape!

Samstag, 28. Juni 2008


WUTENTBRANNT was a band that started with Rob from BOOT DOWN THE DOOR on vocals. after Rob quit Franz and Emil of REVENGE took over the mics and WUTENTBRANNT became a REVENGE side project. when Susi, the guitarist moved to Hamburg WUTENTBRANNT was on ice for nearly 2 years when suddenly my telephone rang and their basser told me that they just had rehearsed for the 1st time after nearly 2 years. as REVOLTE kicked it of at around the same time Emil decided that 3 bands would be to much and left. with just one singer left they entered a studio to record for a 7", that sad but true, was never released. I don´t know the song titles as this was ripped from a tape they gave me way back when without any information!

Samstag, 11. Mai 2013


the WUTENTBRANNT REHEARSAL ROOM RECORDINGS have been re-upped. click the pic.

Sonntag, 29. Juni 2008


CRUSHED BY ALE weren´t around for that long! they just recorded this demo did some shows, went on tour, had to break up the tout after 2 - 3 shows cause the father of one of them had become seriously ill and called it a day not to long after their broken up tour! the most interesting thing about this band is, that it was kind of an "all-star" band. Wiener from WUTENTBRANNT on drums Claus-rotten from WUTENTBRANNT, REVOLTE and QUATTRO STAGIONI (he was the bassplayer on the last MÖNSTERS tour too) on guitar, Michl from FIRST WORLD SUICIDE, ERADICATE and OPERATION:MINDFUCK on bass and Hoiz from REVENGE on vocals. I´ve to admit that I never had the chance to see them live, which I really regret! the songs on this CD suffer from a bad, somehow really flat production as they were recorded by themselves in their rehearsal with shitty equipment! so I´d loved to have the chance to hear them live to make my final judgement about them!


the gentleman you can see on the pic in the corner down right is Füx who used to ran a label called BAD INFLUENCE rec. I´ve forgotten what the exact reasons were, but somehow he decided to release a benefit compilation for a squat in Brasil. the bands on this comp. besides DEFECTO who lived in that squat are FAULTER from the U.S., SPINEBENDER, REVOLTE, DIAVOLO ROSSO, SEUCHENHERD and WUTENTBRANNT.


Freitag, 15. August 2008


here´s the REVOLTE discography. REVOLTE just had a short life span, consisted of people who were playing in REVENGE, WUTENTBRANNT & D.S.G. and played ripping fast and furious HARDCORE! their discography isn´t that long as all they recorded was their 10" and one song that appeared on the PAYOLL BENEFIT COMP. 7"! this band was spitting venom on their recordings but even more while playing live! the 10" was released as a split project between many different labels as everybody who saw them live was blown away by them! REVOLTE were one of the bands were musicanship and anger worked hand in hand perfect! all their lyrics were in German and if you read them without having heard the music they might appear as somehow clumsy but together with the music they somehow perfectly fit!

Sonntag, 24. August 2008


D.S.G. (pronounced: dis-t-chick) were/are one of Bavaria´s most underrated bands ever! period! the managed to combine being from Bavaria with some sort of a SoCal feeling which together with the vocals made their sound quite unique! tuneful, melodic PUNK with enough rough edges to keep them away from being clean cut and singalong choruses that fortunately avoided the bubblegum brainlessness that is associated with melodic PUNK/HARDCORE these days so often thanks to morons like you-know-who! this 7" was released on A.B.P. Records (when A.B.P. still meant ALT BAYERN POSSE) and later re-issued as a tape that had the 7" on one and their demo on the other side. drummer Musch and guitarist Flo played both in REVOLTE and Flo played in STATIC 84 for a while. Lumpi the 2nd guitarist replaced Susi in WUTENTBRANNT when she moved to Hamburg.