Road blockade in Catalonia

Workers in Catalonia have launched a general strike today in response to the brutal police repression following Sunday's Catalan independence referendum.

On September 14, 2017, construction of India’s first bullet train, a much-lauded bilateral project between India and Japan, finally got underway. Although now being used by Narendra Modi’s BJP to...

Workers protest at Curzon London Mayfair, 2013.

In a time that's seeing strikes at cinemas across London, Curzon has so far not yet been affected. Indeed, the chain is expanding: opening up a new sites in London and Oxford. Last...

Cleaners at a Ferrari showroom in London's richest borough were suspended without pay this week after voting for strike action. Their union, United Voices of the World, are now preparing to...


DSA Communist Caucus banner

We’re a newly formed DSA caucus. We’ve written this public statement to clarify what we are all about, and what we would like to do. We are currently based out of the East Bay DSA, but we hope to...


Memorial to the workers outside the post office

A short account of the employees of the Danzig post office who fought the Nazis for 15 hours during the invasion of Poland before they were captured, written by Nikola Budanovic. This article was...