The MonthlyConta verificada


Australian politics, society and culture.

Participa desde janeiro de 2009


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  1. retweetou
    27 de nov

    On the politics of whiteness and cultural supremacism, by From the Summer issue:

  2. retweetou
    há 17 horas

    Please read this. Every Australian should. So smart, angry, erudite, heartbreaking.

  3. retweetou
    há 20 horas

    'Affluenza is that strange desire we feel to spend money we don’t have to buy things we don’t need to impress people we don’t know.' – in Online

  4. há 22 horas

    Noel Pearson on the Turnbull government’s betrayal on indigenous recognition

  5. retweetou
    há 23 horas
  6. retweetou
    1 de dez

    Very good news! Noel Pearson article in the Monthly on the government's rejection of Voice to Parliament now freely available

  7. retweetou
    1 de dez
  8. 1 de dez

    "Ridicule, as is commonly observed, comes not long before political death. Political death, though, can be a long and drawn-out thing.” , Today:

  9. 1 de dez
  10. retweetou
    1 de dez

    A must read on the government’s betrayal of this country’s first people’s and the death of bipartisanship: “The left have an altruism the right will never muster”

  11. retweetou
    1 de dez
  12. retweetou
    1 de dez

    Don’t miss Noel Pearson blistering takedown of the government’s dishonest rejection of the Uluru Statement in - paywall now gone. This is a must read!

  13. 1 de dez

    "My strategy of reaching out to the political leadership of the right availed us nothing in the end. This is the bitter truth I learned these past 17 years.” Noel Pearson’s powerful essay is now online:

  14. 30 de nov

    “It is obvious that the prime minister was determined, until the last moment, to resist.” :

  15. retweetou
    29 de nov

    If you haven’t read this heartbreaking important piece, take the time to do it

  16. retweetou
    29 de nov

    One of the most shattering pieces of journalism published in this or any year. Congrats to Garner and for running it.

  17. retweetou
    29 de nov

    The winner of the 2017 Walkley Award for Feature Writing Long is: Helen Garner, The Monthly

  18. 29 de nov

    Congratulations to the brilliant Helen Garner, Walkley award winner 2017 for Why She Broke

  19. retweetou
    29 de nov

    This review by is splendid, and the album itself is wonderful.

  20. 29 de nov

    “So when we celebrate, let us just remember that hidden in that ... is still a little bit of pain and hurt.” Today, by

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