The College's Old Dining Hall
Graduation Day, July 2017
The Front Quad, looking towards the College Chapel
Musicians in the Old Dining Hall
Students moving in to College during Freshers' Week
A first-year undergraduate room in the Besse building
An Economics tutorial
St Edmund Hall's Front Quad
Open Day visitors taking a tour of the College, going into the library
Explaining a research poster at the St Edmund Hall Research Expo
The College from Queen's Lane, with the library to the left

Upcoming Events

(All day)
5:30 pm
University Church of St Mary the Virgin, High Street, Oxford
2:30 pm
St Edmund Hall
5:00 pm

Welcome to St Edmund Hall...

...where your academic development will be fostered by our highest expectations for your studies, our support for your welfare, and our encouragement of your creativity.

Modern and progressive in its outlook, St Edmund Hall furthers scholarship in a range of Arts and Sciences subjects. We offer an opportunity to live in the heart of Oxford, to be taught by tutors of recognised distinction in their fields and to enjoy being part of an energetic and varied community.

St Edmund Hall is a college of Oxford University, although it retains its distinctive ancient title of 'Hall', dating back to the thirteenth century before most other colleges had been founded.

More about the College

Latest News

Shivia announced as the winner of the International Charity of the Year.
The Governing Body of the College is seeking to appoint a new Head to succeed Professor Keith Gull on his retirement in September 2018
There are a number of events organised across Oxford, including a Lutheran Compline in the College Crypt, to mark the quincentenary of Luther’s 95 Theses

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