Regent's Park College | Regent's Park College
Regent's Park College is a Permanent Private Hall of the University of Oxford, and the smallest and most welcoming academic community of the University.
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About Regent’s

Regent’s is one of the 44 Colleges and Halls of the University of Oxford, and is located in the centre of the city. Founded in 1810, we are one of the smallest academic communities in the University, which enables us to provide exceptional pastoral care to all of our students. 

Our mission

Our mission is to create an exceptional community of learning and research made up of individuals from a broad range of backgrounds and life experiences. Everyone at Regent’s is focused on achieving excellence in undergraduate and graduate studies, ministerial formation and academic research.

Excellence in all that we do

We are proud of our unique place in Oxford’s collegiate system. Regent’s concentrates on teaching and research in the humanities and social sciences which means that we contribute heavily to Oxford’s worldwide reputation for excellence in these areas. 

Founded at Stepney
Moved to Oxford
Undergraduate Students
Postgraduate Students
Principal's Welcome
Our small size means that we form a close-knit and informal community of staff and students, holding the best of Oxford traditions while interpreting them in a distinctive way. It is easy to be involved and engaged here at Regent’s – in academic conversation, student common room affairs, sports and cultural activities, and even college governance too. We greatly value the input of our students in every aspect of college life, and in partnership with them create an exceptional community focused on learning and research.

An exceptional environment

Regent’s is an incredible place in which to work, live and play.

  • Why Regent’s?

    Why making an application to Regent’s will be one of the best decisions of your life.

  • Visiting us

    Find out about upcoming Open Days and Offer-Holder Open Days, in order to visit the College and get a taste of our unique community.

  • Location

    Regent’s Park is at the heart of Oxford City and University.

  • Making a gift

    Contribute to the life and work of Regent’s Park.

Latest News & Events

  • Perspectives on Inclusion: Lecture Series

    Throughout Michaelmas Term 2017, we will be delighted to welcome a distinguished range of academics to address the theme of ‘inclusion’ from diverse educational, cultural and theological perspectives.  Lectures will take place every Monday from 3rd Week (23 October), at 5pm.  All welcome. These lectures......

  • The Rt Hon. David Laws on Coalition and Brexit

    On Friday 20 October at 5pm, Regent’s Park is delighted to be welcoming The Rt Hon. David Laws, former MP for Yeovil, to reflect on his time in the Conservative-Liberal Democrat government of 2010-15, and the fallout from last year’s EU referendum.  To book your......

  • Appointment of Fellow in Philosophy and Christian Ethics

    Regent’s Park College is delighted to announce the appointment of Professor Alice Crary as Fellow in Philosophy and Christian Ethics, effective from 1 August 2018. Professor Crary currently holds a chair in Philosophy at the New School, New York, and will be appointed Professor of......

  • Winners of the Staton Essay Prize 2017

    The judges of the Staton Essay Prize are delighted to announce the winners for 2017: Overall Winner – Olga Makarova Contemporary Worlds – Davina Thomas Literary Worlds – Samuel Christie Congratulations to these entrants who were highly commended by the judges: Tom Crane Emma Farkas......

  • Prophetic Word Conference, 13-16 September 2017

    THE PROPHETIC WORD: Poetry, Philosophy and Theology in Conversation. The Power of the Word International Conference V, at Regent’s Park College, University of Oxford, 13 (4pm)–16 (1pm) September 2017. Organized by the Heythrop Institute for Religion and Society (Heythrop College, University of London) and the......

  • Love Philosophy & Praxis, Lecture by Naftali Rothenberg

    On Monday 12 June, 5pm, Rabbi Prof Naftali Rothenberg will deliver a lecture at Regent’s Park: ‘Love Philosophy & Praxis in the Teachings of Rabbi Akiva’.  For full details, click here to download the flyer.   Abstract Rabbi Akiva was one of the greatest sages......

  • ‘Poetry in Motion’ – Songwriters share their Art

    On Monday 22 May, the Oxford Centre for Christianity and Culture will host an evening with Jenny Lewis and Myra Bylth, from 5-6:30pm, exploring the interplay between words and music.  All are welcome. For full details, click here....

Find out why our students voted us highest of all the mixed-gender colleges for student satisfaction.

1810 – 2017

This website was created by Regent’s Park College students.