
Topic of the Week: Naming the Horror

  • Posted on: 5 June 2017
  • By: thecollective

This week's topic is a question from our sister site Check it out if you haven't already!

Do you tend to call what you're against the totality? civilization? power? capitalism? the state? kyriarchy? society?

I have gone through stages of using capitalism, civilization, and christianity as thing-i-was-railing-against. Is it more useful or harmful (and in what circumstances) to combine all-the-bad, or separate things out?

Topic of the Week: Your Favorite Anarchist Action(s)

  • Posted on: 22 February 2016
  • By: thecollective

We thecollective invite you to discuss your favorite anarchist actions from the distant and/or recent past, or in an imaginary future. Of course, definitions of "anarchist action" will be questioned as well and we expect to see many different ideas about the designation of an action as anarchist. However, this thecollective contributor suspects that even those that would dismiss the idea of an "anarchist action" completely still have a special place in their hearts for some kinds of behavior. What might those be?

Topic of the Week: Responses to Intimate Violence

  • Posted on: 15 May 2017
  • By: thecollective

Intimate violence is something that occurs within any community, and among anarchists in general there has been a long running attempt to define and resolve it in a way that is supposed to reflect our politics. Tools such as call-outs and accountability processes were adopted and developed with the intent of countering a culture in which intimate violence is denied, hidden, or thrown back at the person claiming to have been wronged.

Topic of the Week: Your 12 point program

  • Posted on: 8 May 2017
  • By: thecollective

What's your list of things that you think all anarchists either should do or already do? Are they concrete things or abstract? How often do you live up to your own list? What are the things that are crucial (like, if folks don't do them they're not anarchists)? Put another way, is your list mostly definitional or aspirational (remember, Ursula Le Guin says she's not good enough to be an anarchist). Is your list a response to current events or to your life thus far?

Topic of the Week: Reflection

  • Posted on: 17 April 2017
  • By: thecollective

What are some examples of things you've strongly believed in the past but don't currently, actions or protests you once thought were effective, or moments that changed the course of your political/anti-political growth or somehow informed the way you view or approach things today? What caused you to change or move away from your former views, methods, assumptions, etc.? Has a negative experience ever proven useful for provoking some sort of personal turning point?

Topic of the Week: dating...

  • Posted on: 10 April 2017
  • By: thecollective

It can be tricky finding compatibility in dating and relationships at the best of times. So how do anarchist views and ways affect these things, especially considering anarchists make up a tiny percentage of the overall population?

Does dating within established anarchist circles help? Or does this become stagnant at some point?

For people living outside major centres, how do you find people to date who are of like mind or even who are not hostile to your ways?

TOTW: Paranoia: the mind killer

  • Posted on: 3 April 2017
  • By: thecollective

Strong relationships are built on good communication. While the anarchist diaspora is not synonymous with insurrectionary culture its influence is felt clearly among any publicly self-identified parties. Regardless of lifestyle we, as anarchists, carry a certain weight among us. To evade this association is to ignore our edge as innovators. However, the deeper our connection with our anarchist principles the less relatable we become to those unfamiliar with the Beautiful Idea.
