
Black August Resistance – 2017/Holman

  • Posted on: 30 September 2017
  • By: thecollective

I’ve been taking part in Black August activities since about 1989 and it has been a tradition here at Holman prison for the last ten years of so to observe Black August.

Black August began in the 1970s as Black August Memorial in the california prison system by the Black Guerrilla Family in remembrance and celebration of their comrades who had fallen in the struggle for black liberation. Black August Memorial has been reserved for members of the Black Guerrilla Family.

Prague: Update in repression case “Fenix” – Trial

  • Posted on: 23 September 2017
  • By: thecollective

From 325
Prague: Update in repression case “Fenix” – Trial (Czech Republic)

UPDATE: All the accused in “Fenix 1” are found innocent on all points. The verdict is inactive due to the appeal of the state attorney but all the custodies and so on are taken down and as a first step this is quite a relief. There will be more trials. There will be a proper post about it soon.

Turkey: Anarchist magazine distributors jailed for six months

  • Posted on: 16 September 2017
  • By: thecollective

From Freedom News dot org UK

Repression against the team at Meydan anarchist magazine in Turkey took another twist on Thursday after three members of the distribution team were jailed for six months each.

The three volunteers, Nergis Şen, Rıfat Güven and Zeynel Çuhadar were taken into custody (picture above) after the publication of Meydan Gazette issue 33, which called for an anarchist celebration of May 1st, on the grounds of a State prohibition on the event by President Erdogan’s increasingly hardline regime.

Looking back: three years since Eric’s arrest

  • Posted on: 16 September 2017
  • By: thecollective

From Support Eric King

Eric has been locked up for three years now, he was arrested on September 16th 2014. Between Kansas, Oklahoma, and now Colorado he has seen a lot of different jails and prisons and has had his share of struggles along the way. There’s no denying it has been a long road and unfortunately there’s an even longer road ahead.

Athens – Letter by imprisoned anarchist comrade Panagiotis Z. (Greece)

  • Posted on: 14 September 2017
  • By: thecollective


“I read somewhere that in the whole world, in all those millions, there are no two boys or two girls that are same as two drops of water.The same thing happens with revolutionaries. Each one carries in their participation their own dreams, their own loves. Their own self, their own “I can”. Alas, if it was otherwise. We would be either machines or amoebae.

Round-up – International Week for Anarchist Prisoners

  • Posted on: 14 September 2017
  • By: thecollective

Here’s a list of reported events so far that happened for the international week of solidarity to anarchist prisoners, reports from various counter-info sites via Freedom to all the imprisoned comrades, and good luck to all those with warrants and investigations!

Turin, Italy – Updates on the 3rd May arrests in Turin

  • Posted on: 5 September 2017
  • By: thecollective

From Act for Freedom!, (18/08/2017)

A court of review hearing, held to decide over Kam, Fran, Antonio, Beppe and Lorenzo ended a few hours ago. The charges that led the five comrades behind bars and banned Monica and Michela from the city were discussed, in order to decide if the measures imposed before the trial were to be modified.

For the thirteen years of prison to Irianna (Greece)

  • Posted on: 1 September 2017
  • By: thecollective


This is a communique from Irianna B.L’s partner, Konstantinos Papadopoulos:

14th March 2011. Anti-terrorism squads raided the house I was renting in the neighbourhood of Cholargos in Athens and arrested me as a suspected member of the revolutionary organization ‘Conspiracy of Cells of Fire’. That night Irianna had the bad luck to sleep at mine. She was taken to the police station and interrogated, fingerprinted and submitted to DNA samples taking. She was released on the same day.

I was released on bail 3 days later.

Statement from Eric Clanton: “Keep Building Long Term Strategies”

  • Posted on: 25 August 2017
  • By: thecollective

My name is Eric. I’m currently facing years of prison time as the result of accusations made in the most shockingly hateful parts of the internet. On April 19th I began being targeted by a dedicated swarm of internet trolls known for spewing racism, xenophobia, and misogyny onto the web. Suddenly a hit piece by Milo Yiannopoulos caused the targeting to go viral. Several old social media photos were posted, online accounts hacked, addresses published, hundred of calls to my employers, and countless threats of physical violence made against me, my coworkers, friends and many others. This harassment campaign is where the accusations against me originated.

Interview with Prisoner James Dzelajlija (aka. BlAcKjAcK)

  • Posted on: 16 August 2017
  • By: Anonymous (not verified)

James Dzelajlija aka: BlAcKjAcK: Tha Ar$oni$t. is a Christian, prisoner, rap artist, and free thinker with some anarchist views. This is interview was recorded over a series of 9+ phone calls that James made while in prison at Lebanon Correctional in Lebanon, Ohio from May 2017 to July 2017. He describes how is was accused of being a leader of an anarchist prison gang, The Army of the Twelve Monkeys (A12M) and spent 11 months in segregation with Sean Swain as a result.
