Last updated: October 16, 2017

Victoria: the lenient state

08/11/2005 LIBRARY: ABC TV video still of self-styled Islamic radical Abdul Nacer Benbrika (Abu Bakr) during an  interview with ABC-TV at his home in Melbourne.

More evidence has emerged of soft prison sentences in Victoria.

Chief justice act ‘inappropriate’

Former Victorian Chief Justice Marilyn Warren.

The former Victorian chief justice’s “back-corridor communication” about a High Court appeal was “inappropriate”.

Countering foreign overreach

Countering foreign overreach

A middle course through the citizenship catastrophe might involve a stronger response to other nations’ citizenship laws.

Judge criticised over DPP row

Chief Justice Marilyn Warren

Senior legal figures have rounded on former Victorian chief justice Marilyn Warren.

Information-sharing key to security

Anthony Bergin Picture: Supplied

There is a growing awareness among many in authority that life is now too easy for those who wish to do us harm.

Calls to end mandatory terms

Zak Grieve

The NT Police Association has joined a growing chorus of calls for the government to scrap mandatory sentencing laws.

Bikie’s hand smashed

Thumbnails of outlaw motorcycle club bikie gang colours logo on back of jackets - Rebels. Picture: Milnes

A Rebels bikie gang member had his hand smashed with a hammer for signing a police statement against a fellow member.

Shroffs’ family practice growing

Shardul S. Schroff

With 102 partners and more than 400 lawyers, India’s SAM & Co “treasures” the fact it is a family-run business.

Innovation patent loss to hit SMEs

Gilbert and Tobin Legal Firm

The federal government’s decision to abolish the innovation patent system is a bad idea.

Union star quits for the law

Lee Thomas from nurses union

The federal secretary of the nation’s biggest union is resigning her post to take up a position as a lawyer.

Vic sentencing has ‘lost its way’

Victims of Crime Commissioner

Victoria’s Victims of Crime Commissioner says a High Court ruling sends a ‘very strong message’ on sentencing.

Top judge, DPP in sentencing row

Chief Justice Marilyn Warren

Former Victorian chief justice Marilyn Warren accused the state’s top prosecutor of misleading the High Court.

Time’s up for lax sentences

Time’s up for lax sentences

For years, Victorian prosecutors have despaired at the lax sentences handed to some of the state’s worst criminals.

Clarity or complexity

Clarity or complexity

Barnaby Joyce’s legal team is pitching to the High Court an argument that might simply be too complicated.

Violent criminals ‘get off lightly’

Law and justice composition with dark background

Terrorists, rapists and others handed overly lenient sentences because Victorian judges incorrectly interpret law, High Court finds.

Donaghue’s radical option

Donaghue’s radical option

There are two possible ways the government could emerge as the winner from the constitutional struggle in the High Court.

Chief of Family Court – for a year

John Pascoe

The Family Court could be set for a radical shake-up, with the ­appointment of a new chief justice who will retire next year.

Jones case ‘too complex for jury’

Alan Jones

A defamation battle involving broadcaster Alan Jones will become too big for a jury, a Supreme Court judge has ruled.

Joyce bid to overcome 1992 ruling


Lawyers are calling on the High Court to take a narrower interpretation of the Constitution.

Bauer to appeal Rebel payout

Rebel Wilson Wins Defamation Lawsuit Against Bauer Media

Publishing giant Bauer Media confirms it will appeal a record-breaking defamation payout to actress Rebel Wilson.

Gould takes ATO to court

The Australian Taxation Office's, Commissioner of Taxation, Chris Jordan addresses the National Press Club in Canberra, Wednesday, July 5, 2017. (AAP Image/Andrew Taylor) NO ARCHIVING

The architect of a globe-spanning scheme dismantled by the ATO has launched defamation action against tax boss Chris Jordan.

Doubts over ICAC restructure

Doubts over ICAC restructure

There is now some doubt about whether a key element of ICAC’s proposed restructure will ever happen.

Bryant’s wish: more women at top

Chief Justice Diana Bryant

Family Court Chief Justice Diana Bryant, who is stepping down after 13 years at the helm, is full of hope for women.

Bright for some, bleak for others

Joel Barolsky, managing director of Barolsky Advisors. Pic submitted by the firm Picture: Supplied

I’m often asked about the future of the legal market. ‘It depends,’ is my usual answer.

Services return to growth

City moments 19-11-07 16th november 2007. City moments 19-11-07, law, judge, courts, wig (Photo by Phil Rogers)

Demand for legal services has returned to growth, although by just 0.1pc, after four years of decline.

Law Society in SSM backflip

Pauline Wright, Chair of the Criminal Law Committee, NSW Law Society

A revolt has forced the NSW Law Society to concede its support for same-sex marriage was not based on the views of its members.

Family law chief in reform push

Chief Justice Diana Bryant

Scrapping the Family Court could be one way to save money, according to the court’s outgoing chief.

Law Society heads off revolt

Pauline Wright, President of the Law Society of NSW.

NSW body accepts its members are obliged to question any adverse consequences arising from changes to marriage law.

Family law may bypass  judges

Chief Justice Diana Bryant

Warring parents could have their disputes about children resolved by social workers, psychologists and other non-lawyers.

Rights of sperm donors expanded

Laboratory microscopic research of IVF (in vitro fertilization).

The Family Court has greatly expanded the parental rights of sperm donors.

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