Mobile Theme and Editing for WordPress Sites

Create from, and optimize for, mobile devices and tablets.

How can I make the most of mobile devices?

Mobile devices are the future present.

If your site is not optimized for mobile devices or you’re not able to manage it from your phone or tablet you’re behind the curve.

Mobile browsing is constantly on the rise and you yourself are probably relying on your phone or table more and more.

Jetpack helps your site fit into your lifestyle with a suite of tools and services designed from the ground up for mobile.
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Feature Detail

  • If your theme doesn’t support it already, activate Jetpack’s mobile theme to give your readers best experience on their device of choice.
  • Create and edit content from your device using our native iOS and Android apps.
  • View stats, edit and create content, and manage other settings directly in your browser using, featuring a brand new and faster content editor.
  • Receive comment notifications on your phone and reply directly from your browser or app.

Part of Jetpack’s suite of content creation tools for WordPress sites including content delivery, image tools, sidebar customization, and more.

Frequently Asked Questions

Here are the answers to some common questions. And we’re always more than happy to answer any additional questions you may have.

How much does mobile integration cost?

Mobile integration is provided for free to all WordPress sites running Jetpack.

How do I turn it on?

Simply install Jetpack and enable it with one click from your Jetpack dashboard. For advanced settings and trouble-shooting read our detailed support document.

Get Started

Whatever sort of site you’re running, Jetpack’s features are designed to keep your site secure, build your brand, and better engage with more readers.

Don’t have Jetpack?

If you don’t currently have Jetpack, install it now so you can begin taking advantage of our features. Installation is easy and free -- you don't need a paid subscription.

Install Jetpack

Still undecided about paid plans?

Visit our plans page and explore your options if you're still not sure. Keep in mind that you're guaranteed a full refund within 30 days if you're dissatisfied for any reason.

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