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(H)afrocentric Comics Starred Review in Kirkus & more!

“The novel hosts a multicultural cast of college students who engage politically, blending satire and history for a recipe of topics millennials don’t shy from. Sporting a tank top with the word “Ally” written above a photo of John Brown, perched on top of the literal soap box she preaches from, Naima Pepper is a force to be reckoned with... Readers will be smitten with Naima, and they will hope for more of her."—Kirkus

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Review: Library Journal
Review: San Francisco Chronicle

Elizabeth Hand's Fire. in Rain Taxi


"...In Hand’s writing, anything can happen. “I’ve always wanted to believe in the existence
 of that other, hidden reality. In my writing I try to . . . depict it in as realistic a fashion as possible,” she says in “Flying Squirrels in the Rafters,” in which she’s interviewed by Terry Bisson. She also reflects on her work with other writers in the Stonecoast MFA program in Maine..."—George Longenecker, Rain Taxi

“Hand is an expert at building mood and atmosphere in ways that you don’t realize until you feel it around you.”
SF Signal

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Buy Fire.

Out of the Ruins in The Midwest Book review

"Critique: Out of the Ruins sharply criticizes the entire social structure of the current educational system, especially its capitalistic, market-driven approach, and offers viable alternatives in its assembly of essays by public education experts. While unreservedly recommended as a core addition to both community and academic library Contemporary Education Issues collections, it should be noted for the personal reading lists of students and non-specialist general readers that Out of the Ruins is also available in a digital book format." —James Cox, Midwest Book Review

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Buy Out of the Ruins: The Emergence of Radical Informal Learning Spaces

Written in Blood on Appalachian Mountain Books


"...It ends with three articles, not found elsewhere, by Nathan J. Fetty, Carrie Kline, and Wess Harris that bring coal field struggles up to date and provide both inspiration and concrete suggestions for constructive participation in rectifying past abuses and building a more just future. The result is that you need Written in Blood even if you have the two earlier books, but if you have Written in Blood, there is little need for either of the two previous books." —George Brosi, Appalachian Mountain Books

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Buy Written in Blood: Courage and Corruption in the Appalachian War of Extraction

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  • Welcome to the Witch Hunt
    My local Labour controlled council has just voted, like other councils, as well as universities and the UK government, to adopt the International Holocaust Remembrance Alliance definition of antisemitism. This consists of a rather loose basic ...
  • Peter Kuper's eerily prescient comic from 27 years ago
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  • ME, GEORGES BRASSENS & THE LAST CHANCE. A shaggy dog story.
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  • NLG Book Review: A Tilted Guide to Being a Defendant
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  • The Social Democratic Assassin
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    If a visitor from another galaxy were sent to Earth to report on the latest news here, it seems rather obvious what the alien observer would take back to the home planet. Our extraterrestrial investigator would certainly report that our planet is ...
  • A New Class Politics
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  • RIP Liu Xiaobo, 1955-2017
    Chinese poet, essayist and activist Liu Xiaobo has died while in custody. Xiaobo was President of the Independent Chinese PEN Center, and in this role he supported writers all over the world in their struggles against tyranny. His death from ca...

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