Last updated: October 15, 2017

Power workers hit pay dirt

Queensland Premier Annastacia Palaszczuk announcing that the contract for the M1 and M3 upgrade between Eight Mile Plains and Rochedale South has been awarded in Brisbane, Wednesday, October 11, 2017. The Federal and Queensland Government have provided funding to add extra lanes to the Pacific Motorway where the Gateway Motorway enters at Eight Mile Plains. (AAP Image/Darren England) NO ARCHIVING

Queensland electricity workers have been offered a pay rise up to 1.2 per cent higher than other state employees.

Make ALP pay for union collusion

Make ALP pay for union collusion

Wage theft is funding Labor thanks to its affiliates’ dirty deals with big corporations.

Forced to quit, bullet in mail

Firefigther's Union

The Victorian government faces a potential law­suit over shocking allegations of union intimidation of firefighters.

ACTU hits social media bans

14/03/17 Sally McManus is the new ACTU secretary - photographed in their Melbourne offices. Aaron Francis/The Australian

ACTU secretary Sally McManus says laws governing social media use by workers need to be examined.

10 beer ruling quashed

Glass of beer

Fair Work has quashed a decision ordering Farstad Shipping to pay compensation to a captain sacked after drinking 10 beers.

CFMEU protesters charged

UNION thugs are deliberately targeting individual workers as they picket coal mines along the east coast, with shocking new footage showing CFMEU Queensland boss Stephen Smyth photographing the number plates of vehicles entering and exiting the mine. The names of so-called "scabs" are being recorded and hoisted along the mine, where workers are already some of the best paid in the country earning more than $180,000 a year.

Allegations against union members on the picket line at Glencore’s Oaky North mine have dominated Queensland parliament.

Union star quits for the law

Lee Thomas from nurses union

The federal secretary of the nation’s biggest union is resigning her post to take up a position as a lawyer.

ALP bows to revolt on miners

We Are Queensland

The Queensland government has dumped a plan to extend proposed industrial manslaughter laws to the resources industry.

Limits on weekend rostering

Pm Presser

Limits could be placed on employers’ ability to roster workers on Sundays after intervention by Fair Work.

PM ‘must stop penalty rate cuts’

Australian Council of Trade Unions (ACTU) Secretary Sally McManus speaks during a rally at Parliament House in Melbourne, Thursday, September 28, 2017. McManus is set to give evidence at a Senate committee hearing into the Fair Work (Registered Organisations) Amendment (Ensuring Integrity) Bill 2017. (AAP Image/Alex Murray) NO ARCHIVING

ACTU secretary Sally McManus has accused the government of failing to lift a finger to help working people.

Builders face ban over union flag


Contractors reject watchdog allegations they breached building code by displaying CFMEU flags and posters.

Sanction threat for CFMEU flags


The ABCC is considering sanctions against two companies for displaying CFMEU posters and flags on building sites.

Uni lesson on mastering IR

Uni lesson on mastering IR

When bargaining with the union stalled, Murdoch University went to the Fair Work Commission — and won.

Call to ban below-award penalties


Nick Xenophon calls for a ban on workplace deals that include below-award penalty rates.

Push for stronger better-off test

A waitress is seen setting up a table at a restaurant in Canberra, Thursday, Feb. 23, 2017. The Fair Work Commission today announced cuts to Sunday and public holiday penalty rated in the retail and hospitality industries. (AAP Image/Lukas Coch) NO ARCHIVING

A Senate probe into penalty rates finds the Fair Work Act’s better-off-overall test needs to be strengthened.

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