Last updated: October 27, 2017

Australia's Top 50 Financial Advisers

US financial investment publication Barron's and The Australian's business magazine The Deal present Australia's first comprehensive list of financial advisers.

The Top 50 Financial Advisers in Australia is based on an exhaustive, national survey.This inaugural list offers clients and advisers a unique guide to the leading practitioners in the sector.

This package is a joint project between The Australian and Barron's. Both Barron's and The Australian are owned by News Corp.

To sort the list tap the column name.

Professional designation key:

  • ADFP: Assn. of Divorce Financial Planners
  • AFA: Assn. of Financial Advisers
  • AFAIM: Associate Fellow of the Australian Institute of Management
  • AFP: Financial Planning Assn. of Australia designation
  • CA: Chartered Accountant
  • CA-FP: Chartered Accountant Financial Planning Specialist
  • CA-SMSF: Chartered Accountant Self Managed Super Fund Specialist
  • CFP: Certified Financial Planner
  • CTA: Chartered Tax Adviser
  • DAP: Diploma of Applied Finance
  • DFP: Diploma of Financial Planning
  • FAICD: Fellow of the Australian Institute of Company Directors
  • FChFP: Fellow Chartered Financial Practitioner
  • FFIN: Fellow of the Financial Services Institute of Australasia
  • FIAA: Fellow of the Institute of Actuaries
  • FINSIA: Financial Services Institute of Australasia
  • FPA: Financial Planning Assn.
  • HKSI: Hong Kong Securities and Investment Institute
  • MAF: Master of Applied Finance
  • MAICD: Member of the Australian Institute of Company Directors
  • MBA: Masters of Business Administration
  • MTA: Most Trusted Advisers
  • SSA: Self Managed Super Fund Specialist Adviser
  • TEP: Trust and Estate Practitioners

DEAL 21 JULY 2017

The money makers

They come from a range of backgrounds but share the same passions: to be trusted by clients and kick financial goals.

DEAL 21 JULY 2017

A good adviser is yours to find

If you don’t want to spend money to make money, stay away from financial planners. If you do, be realistic.

DEAL 21 JULY 2017

The state of the States

In the US the big firms were the rocks before the crash. Now the industry advocates for clients rather than products.

DEAL 21 JULY 2017

Scott Carmichael

For Scott Carmichael, the fundamental rules of investment hold just as true in the eye of a storm as in the calm that precedes it.

DEAL 21 JULY 2017

Mark Minchin

Mark Minchin was in the private wealth division of Macquarie Group when the GFC struck - a time he will never forget.

DEAL 21 JULY 2017

Nerida Hicks

Nowra-based Nerida Hicks is as much a confidante to her clients as she is a financial adviser.

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