
ANU has over 20,000 staff and students working towards a better future. Their work spans a diverse and extensive range - from the development of anti-cancer drugs to the preservation of rare Pacific languages. With Australian Government support, income from student fees, donations from the community and funding from grants and consultancies, we have built a world-class reputation. Your donation will help build on these foundations and make a real difference to our community.

Support us
Support us

Support us »

Your gift to ANU can support higher education opportunities for talented students regardless of their background,...
How to give
How to give

How to give »

There are many ways you can give to ANU. These include online, through Workplace Giving, by leaving a gift in your will...
Impact of giving
Impact of giving

Impact of giving »

Supporting ANU is an investment in Australia’s future. Learn how donations have made a difference in the lives of...

Recognition »

Your generosity is recognised in our Annual Report, which is produced by an independent Board of Governors. Read...

News & updates »

Read first-hand, how lives have been transformed through the generosity of others.