
What is edX

edX is the online learning enterprise founded by Harvard University and the Massachusetts Institute of Technology that aims to provide education to one billion people worldwide within 10 years from 2012.

Why has ANU joined edX

  • ANU prides itself on the generation of new knowledge. edX provides the University with a platform to achieve this, and to engage with alumni, current and future students, and the world.
  • ANU also shares with edX a commitment to the connection of world-class research and education, and to influencing the future of learning and teaching.
  • ANU believes this is a wonderful way to further strengthen our reputation. Our courses will be side-by-side with that of the world's leading universities.
  • Through edX hundreds of thousands of students will have the opportunity to try an ANU course, making it possible for us to reach students who couldn't otherwise study at ANU.
  • ANU will have the opportunity to use what we learn from edX and the edX platform for the development of our on-campus programs and courses.
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