Frameworks & disclosures

ANU has robust governance frameworks in place that help guide decision-making, provide controls and transparency in processes, and ensure effective and clear accountability. The Public Interest Disclosure scheme also operates to ensure, as a Federal statutory authority, there is integrity and accountability in all ANU activities and decisions.

Delegations framework »

The delegations framework is a tool aimed at enhancing standards of accountability and responsibility in decision making. It is designed to reflect the University's organisational structure and provide a mechanism to assign authorities which originate from legislation, policy and procedures. The...

Public interest disclosure  »

The public interest disclosure (PID) scheme has been established to promote the integrity and accountability of the Commonwealth public sector, including at the Australian National University, by: encouraging and facilitating the making of disclosures of wrongdoing by public officials ensuring...

Policy governance framework »

The Policy Governance Framework provides the structure for describing, ordering, developing and maintaining the University's policies, procedures, standards and guidelines. The Framework is constituted through three principal documents, namely: Policy Governance Policy Policy Governance Procedure...

Risk management framework »

At its core, risk management is about creating and protecting value by ensuring that resources are deployed appropriately in pursuit of the strategic business objectives of an organisation. The University has a set of strategic objectives articulated in its strategic plan, ANU Strategic Plan 2017-...