
Most Melbourne Zen Group activities are open to both members and non-members.

If you are extremely new to the group, we recommend that you take a few months to get to know us, and to confirm that you wish to engage more deeply in group practice, before applying for membership.

If you’ve been participating in Melbourne Zen Group activities for more than a few months however, we encourage you to consider applying for membership as a way of showing  your deeper, ongoing commitment to the group, its teachers, and its activities.

Member Benefits

Members are able to contribute to decision making that determines the direction of the group, have ongoing access to dokusan with group teachers, receive advanced notification and booking priority for some events, and can access the MZG library of books and teisho (talks by teachers) recordings and transcriptions. Members also receive a twice monthly member newsletter email (non-members can sign up to receive our monthly event update email).

Membership Fees

Our annual membership fees are $100 full, $50 concession. Membership fees help cover the cost of the group’s public liability insurance, equipment maintenance, library purchases, and annual accounting/bookkeeping.

Membership fees do not cover the annual cost of hiring the Learning Centre at CERES for weekly group meditation. Our suggested donation towards venue costs, for both members and non-members is $5 ($3 concession) per session, or a weekly contribution of $6 ($4 concession) if you attend two or more sessions a week. Members have the option of donating an annual lump sum towards venue costs instead of making a weekly contribution to the dojo collection bowl.

Further Information

For further about applying for membership, please contact Colin Briton (MZG Treasurer)