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  1. The National Museum of the Marine Corps has started it's own Twitter account. Follow them at #NMMC
  2. Giving docent led tours at the museum on Father's Day. Come to the museum and bring your dad! #NMMC
  3. Visted the Hampton Roads Naval Museum and the Battleship Wisconsin. Fabulous! Be sure to visit the USMC battery.
  4. Book signing tomorrow! Pete Owen, author of Limits of Endurance about 2/6 in WWI. NMMC Museum Store - 1:00 PM
  5. The New Twibe was created to focus on things happening at the National Museum of the Marine Corps! NMMC
  6. Just started a Twibe. Visit to join.
  7. Cool Corsair at JSOH last weekend. Amazing to see it fly! Come hear our curator Ben Christy talk on the Cosair the 29th & 30th at 1 p.m.
  8. Friday and Saturday, the NMMC is a stop for Rolling Thunder. Hope to see you there!
  9. Joint Services Open House at Andrews Air Force Base totally rocked! Thanks to all who came out to visit us in Hanger 3!!!
  10. Family Day at the National Museum of the Marine Corps this Saturday. Make your own corsair! FREE
  11. On the Mall in DC this weekend, be sure to stop by the Marine Corps booths in the DoD tent for Public Service Recognition Week.
  12. I think the outcome will be MUCH different this time.
  13. Ironically, the ship sent into fight the pirates is named after a guy who surrendered his crew to the Barbary Pirates in 1803.