Click here to view Special Edition DCNA Newsletter - DCNA Leader, Evelyn Sommers Passes Away.

Every Child Deserves a Full-Time Nurse in His or Her School

Students have died because a nurse was not present in the school.  Recent student deaths occurred in the Philadelphia school system when a school nurse was not scheduled to work at the school.  We cannot have this happen in the District.

Many jurisdictions do not have an adequate number of nurses in the school system because of cost-saving measures. What is the value of a child’s life? The school nurse is the first line of defense for the health of children. School nurses monitor asthma, diabetes and many more chronic diseases. According to the National Center for Educational Statistics, 15-18% of American students have chronic health conditions.

DCNA believes that the District of Columbia will cut the funds of nurses in the school system which could lead to fewer nurses in the school system. The bottom line is that it is the duty of the DC Public Schools to protect our children and that means we need a nurse in every school throughout each school day.

The District of Columbia only requires a school nurse in every school for 20 hours per week.  We need a nurse in every school for 40 hours.

It is time for the District to put the health of the children first.  They deserve it.

If you support a full-time nurse in every school, sign this petition!;_by=759477

DCNA Fights for Full-time School Nurses at Every DC School
The DC Council held a hearing on October 25, 2016 to discuss the nursing program in DC Public Schools and Public Charter Schools.  For a Hearing update and to view testimony, click the links below:

School Health Services Hearing Update

School Health Services Program Hearing - Testimony  of R. Burns.pdf

School Health Services Program Hearing - Testimony of W. Blegay.pdf

School Health Services Program Hearing - Testimony of M. Hines 

School Health Services Program Hearing - Testimony of E. Middleton

School Health Services Program Hearing - Testimony of V. Holley-Trimmer


The District of Columbia Nurses Association (DCNA) is the professional organization for registered nurses who live and/or work in the District. DCNA is affiliated with National Nurses United, American Federation of Labor - Congress of Industrial Organizations (AFL-CIO) and the Washington Metropolitan Council.

DCNA negotiates contracts that make sure nurses’ pay is competitive and commensurate with experience, years of service, responsibility, autonomy, and education. DCNA contracts provide guaranteed benefits, equitable policies, fair representation, job security, and practical solutions to everyday workplace problems affecting the professional lives of nurses.

DCNA encourages its members to get involved in leadership roles at the local and national level. Within the DCNA framework, nurses gain experience as volunteer lobbyists, media spokespersons, union advocates, and community activists.

Click here to view the July 2017 DCNA Newsletter.  For previous editions of the Newsletter, click here.

DCNA is located at:
5100 Wisconsin Avenue, NW
Suite 306
Washington DC 20016
Telephone: 202.244.2705
Fax: 202.362.8285

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