
The Age Investigations

Exclusive: Cory Bernardi has his own questionable fundraising body

Liberal senator Cory Bernardi has confirmed he will quit the party.

Senator Cory Bernardi, the conservative warrior who led the charge against Senator Sam Dastyari's foreign donations "cash for comment" scandal, is himself involved with a political fundraising entity that inhabits a grey area in the political donations system.

Australian firms in presidential bribe scandals

The AFP's top corporate crime investigator, Peter Crozier, says corruption robs the world's poorest people.

Two Australian companies are embroiled in bribery scandals that reach into the offices of the presidents of Sri Lanka and the Republic of Congo, as the firms sought to secure multimillion-dollar contracts

Secrets of the Exclusive Brethren

Children with disability are at higher risk of being sexually abused.

Known for its obsession with privacy and its silencing tactics, the Exclusive Brethren has managed to avoid any scrutiny over alleged child sex abuse. Until now.

Mafia adviser's meetings with Malcolm Turnbull, MPs

Lawyer Joseph Acquaro was shot dead in an East Brunswick laneway.

Slain gangland lawyer and Mafia associate Joe Acquaro spent two decades cultivating and donating to senior Liberal politicians on behalf of alleged crime figures, even having a private meeting with Malcolm Turnbull.

Chinese interests donate to trade minister

Companies linked to Chinese conglomerate Yuhu Group made a donation to Andrew Robb's fundraising entity.

A Chinese government-backed propaganda unit and a swag of companies that stand to gain from the China Australia Free Trade Agreement have made more than half a million dollars of political donations in Victoria.

Customs officials allegedly involved in smuggling

AFP officers outside Richard Vong's house in the Melbourne suburb of Thomastown, which was raided on Wednesday.

A network of Australian border security officials is allegedly working for organised criminals, including drug and tobacco smugglers, in the most serious corruption scandal to ever hit the nation's border agencies.