
Archives: August 2017

US Prepares for More Airstrikes in Afghanistan

US Prepares for More Airstrikes in Afghanistan

TeleSur | - - The number of U.S. airstrikes in Afghanistan has already dramatically spiked since Trump took office in January. Fighter pilots at the largest U.S. military base in Afghanistan are…

Afghanistan is now officially James Mattis’ war

By Simon Reich | (The Conversation) | - - Donald Trump’s speech on his administration’s strategy in Afghanistan – in which he announced the introduction of an unspecified number of new combat…
International Community must Halt Yemen Bloodbath

International Community must Halt Yemen Bloodbath

Hannah Porter | (Informed Comment) | - - A concerted effort by the international community to resolve Yemen’s war would see considerable benefits at a small cost, yet profits, alliances, and egos…
It’s Not About ‘White Culture’

It’s Not About ‘White Culture’

By Jill Richardson | ( | - - There's no way to march with KKK members and Nazi flags in a non-hateful way. “I came to this march for the message that…
US Military in Syria to Stay, YPG Kurds Say

US Military in Syria to Stay, YPG Kurds Say

TeleSur | - - The United States has been funding and supporting the group for months, due to “strategic interests” in the region, a spokesperson revealed. U.S.-backed Kurdish forces in Syria —…
Remembering the White Rose anti-Nazi Activists

Remembering the White Rose anti-Nazi Activists

Global Nonviolent Action Database | Swarthmore University By Aly Passanante | (Edited by Max Rennebohm) | Global Nonviolent Action Database | - - Amidst the omnipresence of violence during World War II,…
What to do with Confederate statues?

What to do with Confederate statues?

James Glaser | (The Conversation) | - - Could Russia teach us something about how to deal with difficult aspects of our national history? Many places in the South – from New…
Racist DOJ under Sessions targets Campus Diversity

Racist DOJ under Sessions targets Campus Diversity

By Jake Johnson, staff writer | ( ) | - - The Justice Department's plan to "challenge efforts that colleges and universities have undertaken to expand educational opportunity is an affront…
Guess What Iraq’s Biggest Problem Really Is

Guess What Iraq’s Biggest Problem Really Is

By Pamela Abbott, Andrea Teti and Kevin M. DeJesus | (The Conversation) | - - With the defeat of the so-called Islamic State (IS) on the battlefield looking imminent, Iraq is confronting…