Jones at NSC; Even knows French (Eat your Heart out Tom DeLay)

The last eight years of yahoo anti-intellectualism (i.e. worship of stupidity) is coming to an end. I note that incoming National Security Adviser Gen. James Jones “spent part of his youth in France and is fluent in French.”

It seems like only yesterday that Republican majority leader Tom DeLay was taunting 2004 Democratic Presidential candidate John Kerry for knowing French. (DeLay is under indictment for corruption).

Jones not only knows French, but as supreme NATO commander he worked closely with the French military. Unlike the ignoramus DeLay, Jones knows that French troops have died in Afghanistan fighting the Taliban in solidarity with the United States.

So much for the US stand up comedians’ glib jokes about alleged French cowardice.

DeLay, awaiting trial, actually accused Obama of being a “Marxist” while his own party was busy nationalizing the banks they had allowed to rob the public.

You can just feel the incompetence and stupidity and venality draining out of Washington with each passing day.

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Jones at NSC; Even knows French (Eat your Heart out Tom DeLay)

The last eight years of yahoo anti-intellectualism (i.e. worship of stupidity) is coming to an end. I note that incoming National Security Adviser Gen. James Jones “spent part of his youth in France and is fluent in French.”

It seems like only yesterday that Republican majority leader Tom DeLay was taunting 2004 Democratic Presidential candidate John Kerry for knowing French. (DeLay is under indictment for corruption).

Jones not only knows French, but as supreme NATO commander he worked closely with the French military. Unlike the ignoramus DeLay, Jones knows that French troops have died in Afghanistan fighting the Taliban in solidarity with the United States.

So much for the US stand up comedians’ glib jokes about alleged French cowardice.

DeLay, awaiting trial, actually accused Obama of being a “Marxist” while his own party was busy nationalizing the banks they had allowed to rob the public.

You can just feel the incompetence and stupidity and venality draining out of Washington with each passing day.

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