Space another facet of widening defence industry

Australia has announced the establishment of a national space agency.
Australia has announced the establishment of a national space agency. CPL Bill Solomou
by Mark Eggleton

This content is produced by The Australian Financial Review in commercial partnership with BAE Systems Australia.

When the federal government announced the establishment of a national space agency recently, it brought into sharp focus how the nation's defence industry is inextricably tied to the wider economy and manufacturing sector.

On the day of the announcement, Acting Minister for Industry, Innovation and Science Senator Michaelia Cash said the global space industry is growing rapidly and it is crucial that Australia is part of this growth.

"A national space agency will ensure we have a strategic long-term plan that supports the development and application of space technologies and grows our domestic space industry, including through defence space procurement."

It is a continuation of a policy started under the Howard government in which there has been a massive recapitalisation of the Australian Defence Forces.

As former Federal Labor Minister for Defence Materiel and Science Greg Combet says, it is a large rebuild which offers the nation "an opportunity to harness a wider economic benefit".

Combet, who is now the Victorian state government's defence industry advocate, says defence spending equates to job creation and (importantly) industry capability.

"It has a much wider impact on the economy ranging from manufacturing to IT, cyber security and even financial institutions. It has a lot of benefits for a lot of Australian firms and is immensely important to building and maintaining the nation's industrial capability and our future economic welfare," Combet says.

Post-war boom

"Put simply: it keeps key parts of the Australian economy at the leading edge."

He cited the American war effort during World War II when Lockheed Martin was turning out a bomber a day from its factories or with the production of the Liberty ship where one was built every 10 days.

That particular effort saw American business leaders such as William Knudsen from General Motors and construction magnate Henry Kaiser lead American production through a period when 2700 ships were built in a few short years and aircraft production was ratcheted up to over 300,000 by the end of the war from a base of 3000.

The sheer sophistication of these production efforts meant establishing extremely efficient supply chains that devolved down to thousands of businesses and suppliers. What it did in many ways is tool up the United States for its post-war boom.

While not suggesting Australia is about to experience a manufacturing boom, Combet says we must bear in mind the submarine project in Adelaide is probably the "largest project Australia has ever undertaken – bigger than the Snowy Mountains Scheme".

"Obviously, that's going to invigorate the manufacturing sector as well as the job market and our industrial capability. It will mean we will have to dramatically expand our capability in universities, research institutions and in the vocational education and training sector.

"Something sustainable is going to come out of it and it's not just benefiting South Australia but a much wider supply chain around Australia including regional areas."

PwC Australia's chief economist Jeremy Thorpe says what large defence projects do beyond creating manufacturing opportunities is they give local companies the necessary critical mass they need to train and employ people and obviously buy plant and equipment.

"To a degree, it's not a bad sector to expand as it ensures we keep the long-term building capability here. The challenge is ensuring everyone has enough work and continually building ships or submarines is great for the viability of the sector – it represents quite a distinct change in government policy," Thorpe says.

Long-term viability

Yet Thorpe says we should not all get too worked up by the construction phase of projects because the maintenance phase is just as important for the long-term viability of Australian business. For example, he cites the Joint Strike Fighter (F-35) which is currently the largest defence project globally and Australia is a key partner in the global supply chain.

And while Australian companies are part of the production phase, what makes the project more lucrative for Australia is our role in the project's global sustainment. Last year, the Department of Defence estimated that Australian industry has the potential to gain between $6 billion and $9 billion of sustainment work to support the Australian F-35 fleet across their 30-year life.

This estimate did not include any additional sustainment work on foreign aircraft that Australian companies may gain through the global supply chain, which has enormous potential.

"We're embedded in the role when it comes to maintaining the JSF from other countries. So, we're not just doing things for Australia but for the global defence industry as well," Thorpe says.

As for building submarines or the Future Frigates, Thorpe says the best-case outcome is if we obtain technical capability domestically.

"It's still not clear how much will be done domestically," he says, but he hopes over time "Australian companies see an opportunity to build their capabilities" in some of the more technical aspects of shipbuilding.

Combet says it's an age-old problem for Australia – deciding to what extent we oblige international defence contractors to transfer their technology to Australia. It is a question we need to clarify around the submarines.

He suggests the government will ensure the necessary transfers take place.

Broadening the skills base

For Thorpe, large defence projects obviously lead to broadening the skills base across the nation (not just in universities) but in practical skills and tailoring them for advanced manufacturing.

"We're already seeing the government investing in a shipbuilding educational institution in Adelaide which will train recruits for the program and the government clearly sees another 10,000 jobs appearing. Hopefully, as we build the capability over time and the workforce upskills, it will increase Australia's competitiveness in advanced manufacturing to a degree," Thorpe says.

Furthermore, it is in some of the smaller projects or parts of the supply chain where Thorpe sees real opportunity for Australian companies. He acknowledges a lot of the high-tech systems used in defence are the proprietary technologies of larger international players but smaller and nimbler local players could thrive in cybersecurity, for example.

Thorpe says it can be easy to criticise the Australian manufacturing sector but things actually are not too bad.

"If you look back to the 1970s when Australian manufacturing was bad and really inefficient we're in a much better place. The companies that have survived are the good ones and those companies are very good."

Importantly, Australia's latest wave of defence manufacturing will benefit the nation in the long term.

"In general, building defence capability will be a key driver of industrial capability for the nation in the future across the wider economy," Combet says.