Top Pick

If you read Attorney Lisa Bloom’s Twitter feed over the last several days, it’s a clear attempt to defend herself …

Is the EU heading for an east-west schism?

Jazz Shaw Oct 10, 2017 6:41 PM
Top Pick

Old habits die hard

MNF lays another egg.

“Iger has gotten increasingly political of late, stoking speculation he has his eyes on the White House.”

“Let’s just pretend the shoe was on the other foot.”

Commissioner to NFL teams: Stand for the anthem

Allahpundit Oct 10, 2017 4:01 PM


“I had a bad experience with Harvey Weinstein in my youth…”

No more than $1000 fine or one year in the county jail

Clooney: Indefensible.

“The entire situation was bizarrely theatrical.”

At least it’s fair and balanced…

New Yorker: Weinstein raped at least three women, too

Ed Morrissey Oct 10, 2017 12:01 PM

“This was ongoing predatory behavior towards women—whether they consented or not.”

You’ll never guess what it says

The end of the war on coal?

Jazz Shaw Oct 10, 2017 9:21 AM

At least for a few years

“I don’t think we’re only looking at him. I think we’re looking at a world much deeper than that.”

But don’t let that stop you…

Hey, who’s up for a Hollywood mogul for president?

Ed Morrissey Oct 09, 2017 10:01 PM


“changes the whole perspective of the shooting”

Everyone thinks they know. They can’t all be right

“There is clearly no substance to this statement from an ex.”

“Longtime Hillary Clinton aides have been confused by the former secretary of state’s silence…”

Taking rewriting history to an entirely new level

“That is not what we do in an open democracy.”

“Individual tweets may reflect negatively on ESPN.”

No Weekend Update on this story

“I just stood there dumbfounded. I could not believe what I was witnessing.”

Pop culture is downstream of politics.

“Together, these changes represent a serious threat to Obamacare…”

The price of accomodation

“If we are disrespecting the flag then we won’t play. Period.”

“He concerns me. He would have to concern anyone who cares about our nation.”

Calling in Uncle Sam